The fambly will be coming to my house for the big celebration today, and when they sit down to eat, they will all hold hands and each one will tell what they are thankful for. I am thankful for Mom, but this year, Mom has a few things she wants to say, so I am turning this over to her.
Millie's Mom Lynne here...
Our lives and the world change every single day, and often by events that seem at first, very insignificant. I want to thank Millie for changing my life.
Not only was I the proud "parent" of a feral kitten who was fun to watch, but I instantly became part of the Cat Blogosphere with friends all over the world. When Gizzy, and then Jasmine, went to the Rainbow Bridge, my newfound friends provided comfort, for which I was very thankful.
When we were able to help SweetBean after her accident, I was very thankful.
When MomBean asked me to be Sprout's godmother, I was very honored and thankful.
When I spent a perfect week with Sprout's family in July, I was happy to be considered part of their family. For them, I am very thankful.
When the Cat Blogosphere and all the other wonderful folks joined together to collect funds to send me to Sprout's funeral in August, I was stunned, overwhelmed, and profoundly thankful.
I know many of you by name, but I know there are many more I do not know. To each and every one of you, I say "Thank You." Thank you for caring enough to help cats get the medical care they need. Thank you for helping "beans" when they lose their jobs or their home. Thank you for helping provide medical care to little sticky people when they get hurt. Thank you for sending a grieving Auntie to attend the funeral of her beloved godchild.
Beyond all that generosity, I want to thank you for the generosity of your spirit. You all make me laugh each day and by sharing your stories, you all make me feel a part of your family, and the family known as The Cat Blogosphere.
You have changed my life, and enriched it greatly. For that I am very, very thankful.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am sending virtual hugs and kisses, pets and scritches to each and every "bean" in the CB, and each and every cat (and dog) who is a part of it.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks Millie!