Monday, November 17, 2008

Movie Monday!

Mr Karate came over yesterday, and after dinner, we all watched a movie. He took this picture of me and Mom. They had chocolate cake and ice cream.I had Temp-tay-tions.yum.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Should have tried that lap. It looked pretty good!

Parker said...

I knew you were going to have a great day!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Sweetie. Your Mom had a fleece lap available-those are like, 30 kinds of comfy.

I got a collar this weekend. And a new shiny tag. I was not happy to get it put on...

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, we would much rather have Temptations than chocolate cake! We agree with the others, that Mom lap looks very comfy.

Your friends,
Lucy & Trixie

Chrissie said...

My mom's all "YUM" about the cake, but I'm just 'bleh'. I'll take a fistful of Temptations anyday! Do you know, I seldom sit in mom's lap..she moves around too much!

The Meezers or Billy said...

tem-tay-shuns!!! YUM-O

Anonymous said...

Ohh Chocolate cake and ice cream noommy!!! (Momma is drooling) hehe
I hope you had a lovely visit!! :)


Cafe Cats said...

YaY for Tempt-a-shuns!

The Island Cats said...

We want ice cream!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Millie how cute you are peeking over the edge!

Mickey's Musings said...

Temptations and company are great !!
I hope you had a snuggle too ;)
Purrs Mickey