I have had a
TERRIBLE morning! Not only did Mom sleep late (because she stayed up until almost 2 AM watching the
Tennis ) but once she did get up she gave me about half my usual crunchies.
Then she put some stinky goodness in a little bowl and put it in that box I told you about. The one where she's been putting my treats lately. I told you about it last month. You can go
HERE to read about it.
Well, I don't get stinky goodness very often, so I had to check it out. She put it
a-l-l the way in the back, but I am a smart kitty and I made sure to keep by back legs out of the box in case she was up to something tricky.
Which it turned out she was. She tried to push my butt into the box. But I was too smart for her. Ha ha ha! No matter WHAT she put in that box (and she put treats and even some primo 'Nip), I didn't even stick my head inside.
Unfortunately, she's tricker than I thought. She moved the box, and cornered me in another room, and I ended up in the box. I was Not Happy.
Then she picked up the box, with me yowling in protest, and carried it outside and put it in the metal machine. We went for a short ride, and I bet you all know where I ended up.
It was the V-e-t. I got out of the box, and was immediately wrapped up like a burrito! Some guy poked my ears, squeezed my tummy and looked at my # 13! He felt my leg, you know, the one with the titanium rod inside that makes me a Bionic Kitty, and then stabbed me!
Next he and a helper trimmed my beautiful claws!
I was good. I didn't yowl, or scream, or fight. Mom said I was being a very good girl and that even though she knew I wasn't happy, this was good for me. The v-e-t didn't carry me by the scruff of my neck, didn't treat me roughly, and spoke very kindly to me. So I put up with it.
I got weighed. I weigh 12.2 pounds. The v-e-t didn't use the "F" word, but he did say the word "chubby" and that I should be 11 pounds.
Finally I was allowed to go back in the box, and we left.
You bet I jumped outta the box real quick when we got home. Mom says I don't have to go back until after Christymas. That's what
she thinks.