Our tree still has leafs. Cindy, Camp Stanhope, you did not win the Last Leaf Contest.

Mom is still cleaning the computer room. There's lots of stuff for me to sniff and new things for me to look at and new (empty) places for me to explore!
But I have a request from you. Mom has a friend
Julie, who lives with her husband and cat Angel in Memphis Tennessee. Recently, after a brief illness, Julie's MIL passed away, and Julie adopted the two cats, Star and Rufus. It was very sudden.
Star is 18. Angel is 15 and was always an Only Cat. Rufus is 11. All cats are fixed. There is an auto feeder for kibble and an auto feeder for water. Each cat has a Gizzy Quilt. The house is spacious. There are four litter boxes. You can see where this is going.
Star is settling in well, Angel is fine, but Rufus has been peeing all over Julie's house and sewing room. He pee'd on her quilt fabric, so a screen door was installed, and Julie had to wash all the fabric.
Rufus and Angel cannot handle being in the same room together without chasing/snarling/growling/hissing/cornering/stalking/swatting/etc. (no matter WHICH room, no matter who else is there, no matter what time of day)
Julie has bought some Feliway, and is hoping that helps.
We all know that beans put up with our more trivial "bad" habits, like jumping on stuff, leaving our furs all over the place and scratching the furniture (to say nothing of THoE in the middle of the night), but they have no tolerance for a cat that won't use the litterbox, so
Rufus is In Big Trouble.I know I have many faithful readers who live in multi-cat households, and if you have ideas about what can help, would you please visit
Julie and leave suggestions on
her blog, here. If you feel the need to contact her privately, she has a link to her email address in
her profile.
Thank you very much.
Tomorrow I will have more boring details of Mom's shredding frenzy. (PS, now they sell special "shredder lubricant sheets" which quiet squeaky shredders. Ask me how I know this.)