(Every time Mom tries to take MY picture with that thing, it shines a bright light in my eyes, so I turn around and walk away. I guess she isn't interested in having a picture of my #13 as the background on her phone.)
PS. Millie - thanks for your note. I feel as if I'm famous - I've had my name included in one of your blog postings!
I understand the whole "cat as aloof goddess-like creature" facade, but to be brutally honest, I don't think it suits you. I think you're a much warmer, loving cat than that.
Another option might be to present yourself to your mom and the world as one of the cleverest cats on the planet: one who was born "in the gutter" (almost literally, I guess), but who had the determination and smarts to elevate themselves to their present very happy circumstances by choosing - from all the possible moms around - your mom. As you might say: "Wowza!"
You have scored yourself a wonderful forever home with a doting mom and every comfort that you could possibly want.
If you went with this approach, then you could acknowledge your mom by boasting to the rest of us about every new wonderful thing she did for you, which, in turn, would add to your cleverness in finding her.
What do you think?
Sydney, Australia