More of the white stuff is falling. Mom's grumbling because she has to push it around so she can get her metal masheen out to go day hunting.
Hey, Mom was trying to watch the tennis in Australia last night at the same time as Iron Chef. Can anybody tell her if the new Iron Chef Garces won his first battle?
We had our January thaw over the past few days and I have to say it was WONDERFUL to see grass even though it was brown. Hang in there Millie's mom, spring is coming :)
WOW! We haven't had any since Christmas when we got dumped on big time. Now we are having our January Thaw. Usually more cold & snow follows one of these. Ugh.
We are really rainy here Millie. Rusty has no sun beams to take a bath in. We are praying that the mountain doesn't come down with the all this rain. I think I'm going to sew today.
Yup! We're getting hit with the same storm up in Maine, but you're supposed to get more inches than us. We've got about 6 so far and it is winding down. Good luck to Mom pushing it around! ~Lisa Co9T
Snow :o Yuck!!!! We only got dust today, the rest will be along Wednesday! After that we should have a few days of sunshine!! Stay warm Millie :) Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
Oh nos! Not more snow. They say we will be getting more on Wednesday. We've only just got rid of the last lot!
He won by one point for creativity!
We had our January thaw over the past few days and I have to say it was WONDERFUL to see grass even though it was brown. Hang in there Millie's mom, spring is coming :)
our the mom wanted to know the same thing - she was doing the same thing your the mom was doing. then she falled asleep 'afore the end of the show.
We are expecting lots of rain. We like to sleep where the heater vent throws the warmth right on us.
The white stuff looks pretty but we don't think mama would like shoveling it.
From Peanut and Marshmellow
and their mama
WOW! We haven't had any since Christmas when we got dumped on big time. Now we are having our January Thaw. Usually more cold & snow follows one of these. Ugh.
That looks like a lot of snow for mom to push around!
We are really rainy here Millie. Rusty has no sun beams to take a bath in. We are praying that the mountain doesn't come down with the all this rain. I think I'm going to sew today.
Yup! We're getting hit with the same storm up in Maine, but you're supposed to get more inches than us. We've got about 6 so far and it is winding down. Good luck to Mom pushing it around!
~Lisa Co9T
We're getting rain like you're getting snow. It's kinda depressing... :/
We only caught the very end but it was the new Iron Chef by 1 point. Sounds like a very exciting battle!
I atill have to watch it - I was watching the Golden Globe awards.
Our snow is melting...but we know some more will be coming...
It is still thawing here, nice and sunny. Probably no snow / rain until the weekend.
Snow :o Yuck!!!!
We only got dust today, the rest will be along Wednesday! After that we should have a few days of sunshine!!
Stay warm Millie :)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
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