This is the quilt Mom made for
Lisa, who won the Babybean Quilt Raffle. Lisa likes all colors, and her favorites are blue and green. Isn't this quilt pretty? It is so much prettier in real life than it is in this picture. Lisa should get her quilt today.
Jasmine is going to the v-e-t today. She has a pee problem. She has been peeing and pooping outside the litterbox. Mom thinks Jasmine has lost some weight, too.
Come over here and I'll help you feel better, Millie. Vets are no fun.
(But don't tell Jasmine that, I hope they can find out why she doesn't like her box.)
Oh Millies mom,
that quilt is just gorgeous. She will be so happy with it.
You're a good mom taking Jasmine to the vet to get checked out. I'll be keeping my paws crossed that she is ok. Them old girls become a bit fussy, not like us juniors.
thinking of you all.
That is a gorgeous quilt! :)
I hope that Jasmine is okay.
Ugh, not da dredded vet...we'll say a purrayr fur Jasmine. Mom needs to gets a job and get her own money again cuz dad is just a tight wad and mom is making us miss out on a lot of furry kewl stuff.
HI Millie! We hope Jasmine will be ok, and it's nothing majorly serious. We will keep our paws crossed fur herz.
Oh, our meowmize finks that is a beautiful quilt.
Da mail came today but no quilt fur us. We hopes it comz tomorrow. Sammy has scouted out a good spot fur it. Meowmy will take pictures of us checking it out!
We hope dat da v-e-t can figure out why Jasmine is missing her potty when she potties.
Leo, Maggie, Sammy, Scully & Cocoa
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