You can read about it here, and then follow a link to get the actual poll results. For a while, my name was No Name Yet, or NNY. I like Millie a lot better. Mom voted for "Millie" in the poll.
How did you get your name? I want to hear stories about how cats got their names. So I am starting this meme. I am going to tag three cats. They will have to tell the story of how they got their names, and then tag three other cats. You should announce which cats you are tagging in your blog, and then let them know by commenting in their blogs.
I am tagging:
Daisy Mae Maus (why name a cat after a mouse?)
Monty Q (my sweetheart)
Good idea Millie.It's a good way to learn more about our friends.
My sisfue's name is Tillie.heehee
Dear Millie, you're awfully cute! Please email us so we can send back a special picture to you...
See ya soon!
we 'member how you gotted your name. we voted for Millie too!
Hi Millie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. We remember you being famous, but I guess the quiet life is better. Mom says your mom's TeePee is awesome! Your mom sews way better than my mom, but I am supervising so she will be improving.
By the way, I am named Puff after the kitten in the books my mom had in school, you know Dick and Jane and Spot and Puff.
That is a very cool story about your name, Millie. It will be fun learning how other cats acquired their names!
Woohoo, we voted fur Millie too! It's fun to see yoo now cuz we amember da furst video dat Malcolm did of yoo and yoo were no where neer as calm as yoo are now. We'z so glad yoo got such a nice furever home.
what a great idea! I named myself. the people caught me and asked me what my name was. I said grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
our Lady voted for Millie too!
We a'members too how you got your name and how Malcolm found you and took you to a place that fixed you all up. We are all so glad that you have come full circle Millie.
You came up with a really cool meme, Millie. Good job.
Yer one in a Millie-on!
We remembers the poll, we firsted meeted you through there...and has followed your adventure since we firsted found out! We loves you...even if we is miles away, we boy kitties finks you is very beeutifull!
Ps. we is adding this to all our comments todays......
Did you see our little brother's pic on Daily Kitten? We is SOOO proud!!!
that is such a cute picture of you millie
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