Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hot Hot Hot...
Last night Mom came home and couldn't find me. I had found a new, cooler napping spot. She tried to get a picture, but...
The hot stickies give Mom headaches, and make it hard for her to sleep. I think she should just stay home instead of going day hunting, but she just won't listen.
Silly Mom.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Almost Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Terrible Tuesday
After waiting a bit to let it pass, I drove home. I missed all the bad stuff, but as I got off the highway, I noticed all the traffic lights were out. Indeed, all the electricity was out in a large area. I turned off the main road, hoping to avoid a traffic disaster at a big set of lights down the street from me, and drove home in a roundabout way.
Less than 1/2 mile from home, I passed an intersection that had been blocked by a large firetruck. A big tree had broken in half and fallen over some electrical wires.
I kept going.
A few blocks away I passed another fallen tree. It broke the fence, and landed on the sidewalk.
I kept going.
But nothing prepared me for the sight of a large pine tree leaning on a house not one block away from home.
Nobody was injured.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Millie on Monday

Mom made a bag for Mim-may's birthday. You can go over and check it out here.
It's one of the many reasons I haven't been visiting or commenting on as many blogs as I used to. Mom claims there aren't enough hours in the day.
Pfft. All she has to do is limit her activities, and do what I do. Eat, Nap, Play, Blog. I try to set a good example. I dunno about beans...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Wedding Dance!
Dancing Down the Aisle Wedding Dance
It's the one thing that made Mom laugh when she found it yesterday. She had to bring the metal macheen to be inspected and it cost her many many many many green papers. She was seriously bummed.
She's sewing today, and I'm doing what I do best.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Friendly Friday

Thanks Rusty!
It's Mim-may's birthday today! Happy Birthday Mim-may! (Maybe you could help me go over and give her some Happy Birthday wishes!)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Quilt

Silly Mom has agreed to do Doll Quilt Swap 7, and she is even a Swap Mama this time! Which means she has spent the last couple of nights shuffling papers around swapping babies!!! I'm telling you, she's lost her mind!
PS, Mom says thanks for the HB wishes. She particularly liked the comment that her age was the speed limit in a school zone! She got a great laugh out of that one!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tattle Tale Tuesday
You wanna know how old she is? It's the same number as the number of followers I had when I post this. Mom says something about a "speed limit," but you didn't hear it from me.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Millie Monday
Saturday, July 18, 2009
A True Story
Mom works with a man named R--, whose wife, B---, has a colleague whose house burned down recently. We will call the colleague Sue.
Sue was working in her garden three days before the house burned down when she felt someone staring at her. She turned around, and a short way away was sitting a Ginger Kitty, perfectly regal and still. Sue called to the Ginger Kitty. The Ginger Kitty approached and accepted pets.
The Ginger Kitty stayed nearby, still watching. Later, the Ginger Kitty followed her into the house. Ginger Kitty didn't have a collar or tag.
Sue fed the kitty, and Ginger Kitty stayed. He watched her work in the garden, and slept on her bed at night.
One night, Sue was awakened by Ginger Kitty's frantic pawing (no claws) on her cheek. The house was on fire. Sue could hear it roaring. She woke her husband, picked up Ginger Kitty, and got out of the house safely. The house burned right down to the foundation. There was nothing left.
The insurance company brought a trailer for Sue and her husband to live in while the insurance details were sorted out. Ginger Kitty moved right in.
A few days later, one of Sue's neighbors stopped by to see if she and her husband needed anything. Ginger Kitty put in an appearance.
"Hey, that's my cat," the neighbor said. "He's been missing about a week."
"He saved my life," replied Sue.
"Well, he never did like me much, so he's your cat now."
This is a true story. Amazing, huh?
Mom loves stories about how a cat can change your life. I changed hers.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Finally Friday!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Truthful Thursday

Mom says they were delicious.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Come Hither Wednesday

Anybody think it's working?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Millie Monday

You can also tell that I have learned to half-close my eyes when Mom brings the little flashy camera around.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Not-So Easy on Sunday

Because we -might- and I do mean -might- as opposed to -will-, be having a guest visiting later this week. This person is a Very Special Person, and Mom wants the house all spiffy clean.
She's even going to bake cookies.
I am going to stay out of her way.
Who is the Very Special Person that -might- be visiting? Mom won't tell me. But I gotta say this person must mean a lot to Mom because she won't even do any sewing until The House Is Clean.
And she says she'll take away my stinky goodness if I so much as drop a hint.
So I'm just gonna nap right here on the bed and mind my own business.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Sew-Sew Saturday
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Throwback Thursday
Mom's been working on another project and hogging the computer, and I didn't have much time to do a blog post today. So I decided to use an idea from Diva Kitty and post a picture of me from the "archives." This was taken two years ago today.
Gosh, I was cute!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Wacky Wednesday
PlusOne sent this to Mom in an email and I thought it would be fun. See my sentence below.
Pick the month you were born:
January------- I kicked
February------ I loved
March-------- I karate chopped
April---------- I licked
May---------- I jumped on
June---------- I smelled
July----------- I did the Macarena with
August-------- I had lunch with
September---- I danced with
October------- I sang to
November----- I yelled at
December----- I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1--------- a birdbath
2--------- a monster
3--------- a phone
4--------- a fork
5--------- a snowman
6--------- a gangster
7--------- my mobile phone
8--------- my dog
9--------- [significant other's] Mom
10------- my neighbor
11------- my science teacher
12------- a banana
13------- a fireman
14------- a stuffed animal
15------- a goat
16------- a pickle
17------- your mom
18------- a buffalo
19------- a Smurf
20------- a baseball bat
21------- a Ninja
22------- Chuck Norris
23------- a noodle
24------- a squirrel
25------- a football player
26------- President Obama
27------- David Letterman
28------- an Ipod
29------- a surfer
30------- a llama
31------- a homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White--------- because I'm cool like that.
Black--------- because that's how I roll.
Pink----------- because I'm crazy.
Red----------- because the voices told me to.
Blue----------- because I'm cute and I do what I want.
Green--------- because I think I need some serious help.
Purple--------- because I'm AWESOME!
Gray---------- because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow-------- because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars/Pounds/Euros!
Orange --------because my family thinks I love school anyway.
Brown--------- because I can.
Other---------- because I'm a Ninja!
None---------- because I am sick and wrong.
Now make a sentence using all three. Here's mine:
I licked a snowman because I'm a Ninja.
Here's Mom's sentence:
I did the macarena with a Ninja because I'm crazy.
Now it's YOUR turn! Have fun!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Turkey Tuesday
Monday, July 06, 2009
Millie Monday

Missy the woofie has gone home.
The sun is shining.
My bowl is filled with stinky goodness.
Life is good.
I'm so glad I'm a cat.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Still Here...

Mom says that she will go home with Mim-may later today.
After we cheer and root for both Roger and Andy.
It's gonna be a rough day.
On the plus side,

Saturday, July 04, 2009
Wild Saturday

It's Missy-the-woofie.
In MY cat cup.
(Millie, you never, ever, get in that cat cup.)
Phfft. I don't care. Lookit, here she is in my special cat bed Monty's Mom made for me:

Missy is staying with us for three whole days while Mim-may and Pip-pay visit friends in Connect-i-cat.
Happy Fourth of July!
Friday, July 03, 2009
Gizzy Quilt Raffle Winner

Mom and I are watching Tennis today. We are rooting for Roger Federer, and while we know Fat Eric is rooting for Andy Murray, we have to support our own Andy, Andy Roddick.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Rain, Rain, Rain
Go away
Come back another

Check this out to see how gray the month of June was.