To his credit, he is getting ready. I don't know how ready he can be. We've been to Daytona and Miles drove the bus around the racetrack. We've had lizard stew at Daisy's. We even had roadkill armadillo by Angus' place. What a unique experience! You gotta read about THAT!

We're having lunch in Galveston, at Missy & KC's. Bar-B-Q & a nice buffet (can a buffet be naughty?)
Oh, I forgot to mention the LOVELY welcome Daisy gave us, and we had a great sightseeing trip courtesy of Moe & Mindy. You should check out the pictures!
After the highly anticipated meeting of Lucky and Luxor, we will be continuing on the the Pacific, so Dragonheart (and the rest of us) can see the Pacific Ocean and partake of the sights there. Beezer, Daisy Mae Maus and Sophia and the buns have terrific plans for us. I can't wait.
We will meet up with Kimo & Sabi (hope we don't have any trouble with the earthquake).
Along the way, Poppy Q, Parker, Derby, Samantha & Tigger, Mr Chen & Ollie, China, Willow, Sanjee and others have joined us.
We are having SO MUCH FUN! (And if you are on the bus and I forgot to mention you, I am so sorry.)
Even though we are having a great time, we did all stop our silliness and have a moment of silence for dear Mia, who crossed the Rainbow Bridger last night.
We are so sorry to lose her.