Omigosh! Mom got home from day hunting yesterday, dragging this big box with her.

She thought it was Christymas presents from our friend Rhette to the family. But it wasn't! It was MY Secret Paw package!
It's from
Angel and Kirby in Texcats! I can smell them on the box. The box smells pretty good.

Lookit all the stuff... I got a Nip stuffed toy (I love those) and a whole big can of these nifty treats!

LOOKIT! Two GIGANTIC bags of Temp-tay-tions BEEF treats! Omibast... I thought I was gonna faint, but I didn't. And a whole bag of lots of bouncy noisy balls to play with! Woo hoo!

Oh yeah, there were a couple of cat-themed pot holders for Mom. She was wicked happy because she really needs some pot holders.

There's a terrific cat teaser toy with THREE interchangeable ends.. one with feathers, one with sparkly things, and other with floofy pink stuff.

Thank you SO much Angel and Kirby. These are AWESOME pressies! I love EVERYTHING. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Now I have a toy I have to attack...