Well, hello there!

As you all know, I am an internet celebrity. I didn't ask for this. I got hitted by a car and almost went to the Rainbow Bridge. Malcolm rescued me, and lots of beans and cats on the internet contributed green papers to help pay the v-e-t bills.
As a celebrity, I feel obligated to help give back. A couple of days ago I told you all about the
Iraqi Bundles of Love Project. Beans who sew and knit thought this was a terrific idea. But if your bean doesn't have roomfuls of extra fabric, it was a bit hard to contribute.
Not anymore.
Mr IBOL has made a deal with
Sew, Mama, Sew, an online store, and they are offering a prepacked bundle for the insanely inexpensive price of....
Fifteen Dollars! (15USD)For 15 US Dollars, the lovely folks at Sew, Mama, Sew will pack a bundle and send it to Mr IBOL. What's in this box, you ask?
- Five yards of new fabric
- 16 sewing needles in a case
- 32 pearlized pins on a wheel
- 1 Tomato pincushion
- 1 pair folding scissors
- 1 150 yard spool of white thread
- ...AND the cost of shipping is included in the price!
They are offering 150 bundles.
If you would like to contribute, click HERE to order. (You can even pay with Paypal.)
That I am alive today is proof positive that there are a lot of good people in the world, and if the IBOL project helps make the world a better, safer place for
everybody, then I'm all for it.
Mom packed up two more boxes yesterday to send to Mr IBOL. One of then was -completely- filled with fleece! This is a project I really believe in.
Thanks for your support.