When the Lady and her fambly sit down around the table later to eat turkey, they will each tell what they are thankful for. I may be only a cat, but I have many things to be thankful for:
1. I am thankful for Malcolm, for not letting me die.
2. I am thankful for the v-e-t-s for fixing my broken body and offering their services for free.
3. I am thankful for all the cat lovers all over the world who helped pay the very big bill to make me whole again.
4. I am thankful for Malcolm and Jillian, who put up with me screaming while I was recovering.
5. I am thankful for Dan and Maggie for taking care of me when there wasn't anybody else.
6. I am thankful for the Lady, who took me in, even though she already had two older cats of her own.
7. I am thankful for the nice home I have here with the Lady and Gizzy and Jasmine.
8. I am thankful for Gizzy, for being my bestest pal, and for letting me cuddle next to him.
9. I am thankful for all the furry friends I have made all over the world, from the UK to New Zealand, from Canada to Florida, California and Hawaii in the US.
10. I am thankful for all the people who have made this little blog a part of their lives; who have offered help, advice and support. They come from all over the world, including Mexico. I have a soft spot for Mexico.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Now, pass the turkey. Please.