Ha ha!
Last week I did not have something thoughtful to say. But not this week. This week, I am ready!
In April, just after all the snow melted, Mom built this box near the side of the house and filled it full of DIRT! I thought she was crazy. Then she planted some seeds in it. I thought it was a big waste. This box of dirt won't get more than an hour or two of sun during the day.

But one month later, green stuff started growing in the box of dirt. Mom says there is fresh Spinach, Arugula, and Mesclun mix lettuces.

A month after that and Mom had already harvested all the Arugula (I like to call it Roo-Gala), and the spinach was going to seed. Mom has planted more Spinach, and more Arugula, and more of the Mesclun mix and some other let-us.

Every day she goes out to pick some of these green leaves to eat. I think green leaves are stupid, but hey, Mom's happy, so I'm not complaining. Mom is VERY happy.

Impressive though this box is, you should see what is growing out back!
Last summer Mom bought this little kiddie pool, but she never got around to planting anything in it.

This year she filled it with dirt and planted some seeds. She covered the dirt with brown cloth so the weeds (and bad mannered neighbor cats) wouldn't mess up the baby plants she hoped to grow.
You should have heard the stupid upstairs next-door neighbor snicker when he saw what Mom had done. He used words like "crazy" and some other mean things. He didn't know Mom could hear him talking bad about her. She just chuckled, "Just wait, Millie," she told me, "my garden is going to be so nice, he's going to eat his words."

Two weeks later, the plants in the kiddie pool were growing! Lookit these three! Mom says the big one is Zucchini, the next one is Yellow Squash, and the teeny one is Cucumber. I thought those words were getting big enough to eat.

But holy cow! Lookit those plants now! Mom took this picture when she got back from day-hunting yesterday, and she says those leaves are gigantic.

She's pretty excited, because she found this under those big leaves!
I am thinking my Mom may be crazy, but I think she's crazy like a CAT!