Good morning all Cats and Beans in the Blogosphere. Mom Lynne here.
Thank you ALL for ALL your thoughts. For those of you who haven't commented on yesterday's blog, please do. Do not think you have to agree with me. I really need to hear the pros and cons.
Last night I was terribly conflicted. Here's the story so far:
Thursday- Gizzy looks lousy, not eating. I call the vet and set up an appointment for Saturday (Friday I was fighting Apache, remember).
Saturday - 8 AM - Gizzy gets subcutaneous fluids. I expect him to perk up. He doesn't. Desconsolate, I visited the Animal Shelter's website and found Zorro.
Sunday - Gizzy still not eating. All he wants to do is sit near me. When he does, he purrs nonstop.
Monday - Gizzy not eating. I call the vet about helping him to the Bridge, I call my sister for support. 6 PM I get home from work - he's sitting in the window waiting for me, as he's done for 15 years. He wants to go Out. We go Out. He perks right up. Color me surprised. Back inside he doesn't eat much. Color me confused.
Tuesday - Gizzy still not eating. After work, I go visit Zorro. He's older and considerably bigger than I had expected. Great cat, but I have serious reservations. My mom says he'll be fine. I get home, (Gizzy is waiting at the window) and set out some Beef and Gravy stinky goodness for Gizzy. He eats more than he has in the last several days, then goes back for more a bit later. Maybe he ate 1/4 of a 3 oz can, but that's more than he's been eating lately. Note to self - get more Beef with Gravy.
Wednesday, today. Gizzy has slept near me all night (again, as he has for years). I feed the cats, then take a shower. When I get out, Gizzy is sitting on the bathroom counter, drinking from the faucet ("tap" for Fat Eric & English Daisy). This used to be "normal" for him, but he hasn't done it in a week, so drinking today is a "big deal."
Here's where I am right now... As long as Gizzy waits for me each night, fights off Millie when he doesn't want her attention, waits for me to get out of the shower and continues to do all the things he normally does... he isn't going anywhere. When he needs to go to the Bridge, I am sure he will let me know. If he needs sub-q fluids more frequently, I'm willing to do it.
And Zorro, cute cat that he is, is going to have to find another home. I can't handle the stress, and I'm not really up for four cats. When I got Millie, I was expecting to lose Jasmine, and I would have had only two cats. Two was what I expected.

Now, a word about the kitty quilts. When I first proposed the idea, money was very tight after some unexpected expenses, and I simply didn't have the cash available to bring Gizzy to the vet for a visit and bloodwork. I had hoped to raise enough to cover that cost. I never intended to pursue extraordinary means to keep Gizzy alive at his advanced age of 15.* I have received orders for kitty quilts beyond my wildest expectations. After the first week, when asked about quilts, I told folks that I had raised sufficient funds to cover Gizzy's expenses and gave the option to refuse. I've had to raise the price because I went right through my fabric stash (and a good portion of my sister's) and had to buy materials. I love making the quilts. Sewing is one of my favorite things, and it's a great stress relief.
*Anesthesia is really iffy for older cats, so any kind of surgery is absolutely out of the question. His bloodwork came back normal, and the last option is expensive ultrasound. That seems pointless to me because surgery is not an option. For what it's worth, the vet agrees with me. The goal is to keep him happy and keep him comfortable.
I have my marching orders.
Thanks. For
Mom Lynne