Mom refilled my favorite mousie with Cosmic Catnip so I've been batting it all over the place, and running around with it in my mouth. It's been great fun.
Gizzy isn't interested in playing. Dunno why. Mom's a bit concerned about the big cats, as they have been leaving crunchies in their bowls at mealtimes. Usually they eat more when they are cold, and leave food when the weather is warmer. Somecat's been blowing chunks. And one of them has dingleberries. Mom's keeping an eye on them.
Since we got the funny blue light, and cleaned the stinky places, there hasn't been any more stinky, and Mom's happy about that. But she's kinda blue since she got back from Texcats. She's tired, and the house needs a lot of cleaning, and there's a lot for her to do at her day hunting place. Plus she says after something exciting the the trip to Texcats, there's always a letdown. So I'm trying to cheer her up.
She usually gets up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I follow her, and then make myself comfortable on her bed next to Gizzy, who sleeps with her at night. So she's been waking up to both us cats nearby every morning, and I think that pleases her. Of course, I'm not gonna let her get a picture of it, so you are all just gonna have to use your imaginations.