Today is my Birthday! I am five years old! Whoo Hoo!
years old is a pretty big accomplishment for me, since I almost went to the Bridge before I was five
months old! I've had an amazing life for a little tuxie who grew up in the streets of New Haven, Connecticat.
I got hitted by a car, got rescued, got famous, got fixed, and got a forever home! That was just the beginning!

Then I got a blog, and I got friends around the world, a big brother and sister (Gizzy and Jasmine, who are both at The Bridge now), and I got a terrific Mom, who I have trained very well.
That would have been seriously cool enough, but it doesn't stop there! I got an awesome ManCat of my very own (my dear
Monty Q),

and an extended family in Mary-land. I have sticky little people! KidBean, SweetBean and Mooshie! (ok, they're Monty's and not
really mine, but they are, sorta. I even have my own special Angel, my Violette.
And Friends! Oh. My. Bast! Do I have the best friends in the world? You betcha! Every day Mom says a prayer of thanks for all of you, who have made my life (and hers) so wonderful and exciting. I am sending each and every one of you a smoochie and a headbutt.
(Don't tell Mom, though! She thinks I am a Diva and too aloof for that sentimental stuff. It's to be expected, after all. She's a Human Bean. It's not her fault she wasn't born a superior species.)
Happy Birthday to Me!
Island Cats, Derby, sorry guys. That pile of snow is still on the ground outside. You won't win the When When Contest.

Soon, I hope...