I do not know. I am thinking we will have a winner of the When When Contest very soon. Who will it be?
Is it you, Obi?

Sorry, Obi. The snow is still out there.

This is the weather forecast for the next five days. It tells Mom we should have a winner soon. If your beans measure how warm it is outside using Cell-sius instead of Fair-en-height, you can do the conversion here: Temperature Converter.
I am thinking if you are the winner, Mom and I will need to know two things:
1. What is your favorite flavor of Tempations Treats?
2. Does your Mom (0r Dad) prefer Milk of Dark Chocolate?
I like Beef Temptations, and Mom likes Milk Chocolate. (Yeah I know, she's a wimp.)
Oh dear - that doesn't sound good for my prospects of winning, Millie. Rats!
Sydney, Australia
we hopes your snow is gone soon. it was snowing in buffalo tuesday AND wednesday!
We hope you have another warm and sunny day today Millie!!
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Yeah! it is almost gone!
We think you're going to have a winner soon!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Luf, Obi
Ooh, will it be gone Friday? Or Saturday... The tension mounts!
we have no chance of winning unless we get another one of those late storms. WE are kinda hoping we do not win. The weather looks really good and weather like that means the windows will be open
LOVE that you have such nice weather ahead!
I didn't enter so I can't win - but the answer is DARK chocolate!
Bother - roll on April 14th!
Noela Sydney Australia
Our last bit of snow finally went away. One of the neighbors still has some.
It's gonna be soon!! 'Specially with the warmer weather you're gonna get!!
Oh no!! Make it snow, make it snow!
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