Wow! This is my 1,000th post. Who'd a thunk getting hit by a car was the best thing to happen to me? Funny how your life can change in the blink of an eye.
This blog started
the day I came to live with Mom, over 2 years ago. She didn't know much about this blogging business, and was a bit worried about it. She wasn't sure I'd have much to say. She says she always knew she was an Artist, but she never knew she was a writer.
I guess she just needed the right Muse!
So here's the Muse Flash. After New Year's, we won't be blogging every day. Mom and I tried to do it in 2008, but it's a lot of work, and it's been a tough year in a lot of ways. We are gonna take it easier in 2009. I'm still gonna blog, of course, just not every single day.
However, a tiny celebration is in order. So how about this... Leave me a comment on THIS post. When this day is over, Mom will put all the names of the cats/beans/woofies/buns/hamsters... who commented in a bowl and I will pick one. I'll send that cat(bean/woofie/bun/hamster) a little bag of treats and a 'Nip toy, and maybe a couple of other goodies. Mom will include a box of those
"nasty evil chocolates" that went out with the prizes of the
When When Contest we had back in March.
So here's the rules. Remember, it's my party, and I'll cry if I want to. That means I can change the rules if I want.
1. Each cat, woofie or bun gets ONE Comment EACH.
2. You must leave a comment on THIS POST.
3. Deadline is Midnight Tuesday December 16, 2008. (So when it isn't Tuesday anywhere in the world, the contest will be over.)
4. You have to have a blog, or leave some way for us to get in touch with you, so we have to know who you are. If you have a blog, you're good to go.
5. Mom says it will go out when it goes out, and that could be a few days, since I just told her about it, and she doesn't have any of the goodies yet.
6. Sharpen your pencils, and get to it...
(psst.. Mom... what does that mean, "sharpen your pencils?" I have claws, not pencils...)