Happy Holidays Everybody! Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukkah!
My fabulous friends at Zoolatry made this nifty image for me! Isn't it terrific?
I received my Secret Paws package yesterday, right in time for Christmas. It is from my friend Angus!There is a terrific pink 'Nip mousie, some salmon fishy flakes and a tin of terrific treats! There was even a special present for Mom! Thank you so much Angus & Chrissie!
Hoppy Holidays All!
Merry Christmouse to you! :)
from the topcatrules girls, Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket. :)
Tomorrow we get to open our mystery present mom bought from your mom!
Ohhh Secret Santas are so much fun!
What lovely pressies!
Your happy Christmas picture is just lovely!!
We hope you haves a safe and wonderful one! :)
Merry christmouse to you sweet friends. We hope you get to stay warm and cozy and share lots of treats and food with your friends and family.
Julie and Poppy Q
Wow! We have never tried fishie flakes! Are they very yummy? Merry Christmas Eve, Millie!
Merry Christmas darling Millie... and to all your family.
Stay warm -- lots of lovin' time and soft paw cuddles will do it.
Oh Mille, how wonderful!
Merry Christmas to you and your Mom!
Merry Christmas!!! We hope you're all having a lovely holiday.
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays, Millie and Mom Lynne! That is a very nifty image...very festive!
Happy holidays to everyone in your household!!
Ms. P and Cinza
Happy holidays, Millie!
That is a wonderful picture of you that Zoolatry made! And isn't Secret Paws the best??!?
We hope you have a Meowy Christmas!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Happy Hollidays to you Millie and Lynn! We hope you are staying warm! Your secret Paws looks neat. Mom needs to find out how to get me signed up!
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