I have a lot to report today, but I want to start with the CAT stuff, since I have not been featured much in my own blog lately! I am certainly happy to help out,
but...Since today is Tuesday, here is my Tuxie Tummy shot.
Monty Q is probably in the icebox already. (giggle)

Next, some
HAM Meezer Quilt News.
1. Ticket sales are good, and Mom has already sent the
Meezers some green papers. Mom says they need it, and couldn't see any reason to wait.
2. The Cat Blogosphere gave Mom and
Auntie Karate money to buy backing fabric for the Meezer Quilt. Mom likes the quilts to have one big piece of fabric on the back, not different pieces, so this was a good thing. Mom and Auntie Karate selected the fabric together. It arrived yesterday, and I inspected it thoroughly.

Looked good to me. Next Mom put it in the washing monster.
That's where the interesting news starts.
3. Later Mom heard a terrible noise from the washing monster. It didn't wanna spin on its own and needed some help. (Mom got it to spin and the backing fabric is all set now.)
4. Mom was talking on the phone to Auntie when suddenly she said, "I gotta go!" and ran into the human litterbox room and hacked up a hairball. Except it wasn't a hairball. I don't wanna know what it was, but it sounded nasty.
5. Then Mom went to bed and took a nap for the rest of the afternoon. I went over and tried to get some attention, but she ignored me. Imagine!
6. When she got up, she was fine for a few minutes, but then she started going back the human litterbox room over and over. No more hairballs, but she doesn't look very good.
7. She didn't eat anything for dinner, and just lay on the couch, doing nothing.
8. So all work on the
HAM Meezer Quilt has come to a screeching halt, and she won't be going to Auntie's today, either.
9. And we're supposed to be getting more snow!
10. Have I mentioned lately how glad I am to be a cat?