Since today is Tuesday, here is my Tuxie Tummy shot. Monty Q is probably in the icebox already. (giggle)

1. Ticket sales are good, and Mom has already sent the Meezers some green papers. Mom says they need it, and couldn't see any reason to wait.
2. The Cat Blogosphere gave Mom and Auntie Karate money to buy backing fabric for the Meezer Quilt. Mom likes the quilts to have one big piece of fabric on the back, not different pieces, so this was a good thing. Mom and Auntie Karate selected the fabric together. It arrived yesterday, and I inspected it thoroughly.
That's where the interesting news starts.
3. Later Mom heard a terrible noise from the washing monster. It didn't wanna spin on its own and needed some help. (Mom got it to spin and the backing fabric is all set now.)
4. Mom was talking on the phone to Auntie when suddenly she said, "I gotta go!" and ran into the human litterbox room and hacked up a hairball. Except it wasn't a hairball. I don't wanna know what it was, but it sounded nasty.
5. Then Mom went to bed and took a nap for the rest of the afternoon. I went over and tried to get some attention, but she ignored me. Imagine!
6. When she got up, she was fine for a few minutes, but then she started going back the human litterbox room over and over. No more hairballs, but she doesn't look very good.
7. She didn't eat anything for dinner, and just lay on the couch, doing nothing.
8. So all work on the HAM Meezer Quilt has come to a screeching halt, and she won't be going to Auntie's today, either.
9. And we're supposed to be getting more snow!
10. Have I mentioned lately how glad I am to be a cat?
Oh we like that backing fabric! We hope your mom feels better soon.
oh oh oh my Millie's Mom - we is so sorry you is sick. We will come over and purr on you to help you get better.
Oh my - our maid did that same behavior some weeks ago and she was useless for three days!!!! We hope your Mom gets better soon!!!Purrr purr purr purr
Maybe find a piece a choclat? Beins like choclat... ?
Wow, maybe yur mom ate too much too fast like Bonnie does. I recommend fur an purr therapy! Mom recommends the BRAT diet - Bananas, rice, applesauce, an toast (dry) until feelin better.
We gots a huge piece of cloth here, like a sheet but not fur the bed! I played in it while Mom talked herself out of hemming 50 feet. 50 feet? I gots 4, Bonnie gots 4, an the beans each gots 2...
I hopes your mom feels better soon Millie and she stops hacking up.
I like the backing fabric too!! It's going to be a great quilt.
Ugh! Poor Mommy! I really hope she feels better already!
Aw, dang, not the hackage. Beans don't work well with hackage. Tell her to eat somethin', or she'll feel even worse. Yeah, I know if there's something there then somethin's coming up, but still. I've learned a thing or two from MomBean's hairballs.
Now about that photo....::melt::
Nice photo Millie - and we notice that it had the desired effect on Monty...Now, take it easy and snuggle with your Mom,
Gypsy & Tasha
we're sorry yer mommie has a hairball,we hope she feel better
Sounds like she has human flu-to-the-bathroom. Hope she feels better soon.
Cute tuxie tummy, Millie, and that backing fabric looks great!
Your poor mom. :( Sending lots of healing purrs her way.
Millie, I LOVE your tummy! I bet Monty is fanning himself with his paws. ;)
I hope your mom feels better. Hacking up hairballs is no fun. :(
Oh yeah fur sure Monty is in the icebox already. hehehe
We's furry sorry yore Mommy is feelin sicky. We'll sendlotsa purrs.
I sure hope your mom feels better soon. That sounds like a very icky sickness.
That sounds rather...unfun for your mom. The LL can relate, she had that second bathroom thing for 3 weeks not long ago. All she ate was rice, bananas, and applesauce. Eww!
I love your tummy picture!! It's so cute!
I hope your mom is getting lots of rest! The tummy sickness is yucky! My mom has the sneezes, but she's not too bad today. Sending her purrs!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We hope your mom feels better soon. We're sending lots of hugs and purrayers for her!
I hate it when beans hack up a hairball...they make a terrible racket!
Hope your Mom is thru hacking and gets to feeling better!
Great tummy shot!
How wonderful to be able to share with the Meezers. You're so sweet.
We hope your mom gets rid of all her hairballs real soon and feels better!
jans funny farm
There is a nasty flue going rond. Hope your Mom is feeling all better soon. We agree with you, the fabric is just perfect!
Oh no Millie, That yuck is going around in my moms office too. It is hitting New england hard. I hope she feels better.
This flu is just everywhere. I am hearing people getting it all over the place and it definitely isn't fun. Just keep your mom warm, Millie, and I hope she gets better soon!
Ooo-my mom says she is very sorry your mom is hacking up airballs-that's what she calls it when I yack and nothing comes out-she's so weird! And yahoo for giving green papers to the Great Meezers! So glad we can help them!
Yep, it's better to be a kitty, no doubt! We hope your mommy feels better soon!
Uh oh ... Your momma has been over-doing it an' now she's sick. She needs to take a rest an' eat some crackers so that she'll feel better. You need to cuddle your momma, Millie.
Feel better, Millie's Mom. My mommie had hairballs a few weeks back too. It seems to be going around.
We hopes you feel better Millies Mom. Take good care of her Millie. We am taking care of owr Mom too. It's part of owr cats lovin duties to da hyoomans.
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