We are gonna have MORE SNOW! Mom is sick of it. This is like the third snowstorm in a week. Here are 13 reasons why she doesn't like the snow:
1. It's cold.
2. She has to clear it off the silver macheen.
3. She has to shovel the driveway.
4. It occupies space. The more of it there is, the higher the snowbanks get, and the harder it is to pile up.
5. It makes driving dangerous.
6. It can make stopping impossible.
7. The snowbanks make the street narrower, so it's harder to drive.
8. Lots of beans walk in the street instead of on the sidewalk because it's easier. This makes it even harder to drive safely down the street.
9. The height of the snowbanks make it hard to see little sticky people or even adult beans, and sometimes other cars.
10. The snowbanks make parking lots smaller.
11. The snow covers up the lines in the streets and in parking lots, so people drive where they think the road should be, and park any which way they want.
12. Some sticky people and even teenager beans think it is funny to throw snowballs at macheens driving by.
13. It's cold.
At least the Christymas tree is no longer naked. It is very pretty, and I have set my decoy under the tree.

OK, looking at the Christymas tree, Mom feels "the spirit," so here are 13 reasons she LIKES the snow:
1. It's pretty.
2. It muffles the sound while it's falling, so it makes everything quiet.
3. It covers up the yukky stuff to make everything look clean.
4. It sparkles.
5. Sometimes, when the snow gets packed down by the wind, and the weather is really cold, the snow crunches when she walks on it.
6. Did we say it's pretty?
7. You can go sledding.
8. Mr Karate likes snowboarding.
9. Pip-pay and the Boy like to go skiing.
10. When the snow covers things, it makes pretty snow sculptures.
11. It's fun to watch the snow fall.
12. It really feels like Christmas when there is snow.
13. It's cold.
What can I say? Beans are weird.