After receiving the wonderful fabric from Kimo & Sabi, and after having a special sale on Gizzy Quilts, Mom ordered more fabric. She wants fabric like I want Temptations and 'Nip, and you all know how much I like 'Nip!
Anyway, here are six of the fabrics Mom ordered. Five of them are for quilts that have been ordered this past week. She's not telling, but you might be able to figure out which is yours. (Maybe not; you know how she puts unusual fabrics together!)
The fifth one is for a special surprise she is planning. She says she will reveal the surprise when the weather is really really warm!
They are all from eQuilter.

Of course, she is gonna watch the guys named Pat go for 15 against the Fins. Which ought to be a foregone conclusion given how the Fins are sucking air this season. (sorry Daisy!)
Thems nice spring colours and will make lovely quilts.
Have a good merry christmas and I hope your pat guys win.
Poppy Q and mum
How pretty! Mommy loved that fabric that Kimo and Sabi sent to you! Maybe this Spring we can get some green papers to you for another Gizzy!
Those are very pretty fabrics! I wonder if one of the fabrics with blue in it is going to be for Merlin's quilt?
Those are pretty fabrics. We speshully like the furrst and last ones.
Is one goin' to a New Zealand kitty? The one with the kiwi fruit on it?
Can I come over? MomBean's all leaky today.
Dearest Monty Q,
1. No
2. Yes. Why is MomBean all leaky?
Sucking air?? Hahahahaha!! Millie,you are too funny :)
Mom loves the material! The designs are really cool!! The quilts should look fabulous!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Oh, those are beautiful fabrics! We can't wait to get our Gizzy from Lilly Lu, Mu Shue & Iris!!
What beautiful choices for fabric. They will make lovely quilts.
Jan's Funny Farm
*snort* mom don't watch football but she laffed at yoor sucking air comment. Doze is purrty just washed ours again and when dey were warm from da dryer we laid on dem, it was heaven.
I know which one is for our Gizzy and it is gorgeous!!!
We love looking at all your fabrics and your new quilts that you make. We are in awe of your talent.
Now, here is a topcatrules and Tigger the FBI cat message:
We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! from Pyewacket and Trixie of topcatrules and expecially from me...
Tigger the FBI cat
What, no tomaters? What's a quilt wifout tomaters...
Well, we like that 5th one a lot! It is cool spinny-lookin.
I wants to fank you Millie for the great SP pressies. I luved them. I took the nip toy off and played with it until it was soggy. Mom promises to post pictures as she can, but we haf to take turns 'cause there is a lot of us. But THANK YOU, THANK YOU Mille for the GREAT presents. ~Merlin of the FLuffy Tribe
PeeEss Mom says she like the pink peacock material the bestest, it is beautiful.
Merry Christmas Millie and Millie's Mom! We hope you have a most wonderful day!
I can't decide which I like best.
I guess that is what makes a quilt so special, you can have a little of all of them.
Ooo ... Cool fabric! We have a store called Beverly's here that has super-pretty quilty-type fabric. Mom buys it for making ... eh ... woofie bandanas. Sigh.
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