The fambly came over last night to help decorate the Christymas tree. Mom put TWO chick-hens in the hot as hell box. I got a bit, and it was good. But mostly I stayed out of the way. With such a big day yesterday, Mom will not be doing much today. Finally she is taking it easy. Like me.
She's learning.
To bad da beans don't fit in drawers. Drawers are really good places to relax. Mom's sweater drawer is soooo comfy.
Yay Momma Millie with FINALLY taking a day off!.. But we will see... the day is not over yet :P hehe
It sounds like a wonderful day you all had yesterday, what a lovely reason to get together :))
Millie, dat is a wonderful place to take it easy. Enjoy your Sunday.
Great hiding spot miss M. Enjoy your relaxing day.
We are glad you have power and are staying warm, Millie. Our Auntie lives in NH (and we have 2 that live in northeast MA). Our Auntie just got her power back last night. She didn't have it for 2 days! Brrr.
Hooray for Easy Like Sundays!
That looks like a very good place to take it easy. We hope you are keeping warm.
That is a good spot to take it easy!
You look so cozy and comfy in your drawer. It sounds like you need a nap after all that activity yesterday.
We are so very glad you have power. We are purring and purring that everyone stays warm and safe and the power comes back soon.
It takes a while to teach them, Millie. It looks like you've found a great spot to relax in!
2 chickens and you only got a bit? You should have gotten a whole chicken, Millie.
We see you're not going to be blogging every day in 2009. We can't figure out how you've managed in 2008.
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