It's Gone! It's When! Woo Hoo!Dear Cats, the When When Contest is over! There is NO snow on the ground outside, and we have two winners!

Kikkycat doesn't have a blog, but she represents a lot of cats, and Jenny is one the cats at
Forty Paws. Concatulations, LadyCats! Please send me and Mom your street addys and be sure to tell us what kind of Temptations treats you like the best.
Thank you to all the cats who participated and make this contest one of the most anticipated contests of the year!
Congratulations Kittycat & Jenny. This competition is always so much fun.Thanks Millie
Well done to the winners - we love this competition.
We do have lemons growing up above our backyard. They are growing down from the house in the street above us, and unfortunately are too far away for us to grab, as I love lemons too.
Hopefully next spring, I am going to buy a lemon tree and get it growing.
Julie and Poppy Q
Yay!! I'm very excited, not just for me but for you to be DONE with snow for the winter!!
We still have some snow on our catio and loads in the garden. We are wondering if we could steal your idea for next year maybe ? Is there room on the blogosphere for two competitions ? If you do not think so that is fine too. Glad you guys to be snow free - we maybe have another few weeks before it ALL clears up.
Concatulations to the winners. Well done Millie on hosting a very popular competition and for being so generous with the prizes.
Is it time now to open the guessing for the When Will the First Snow Fall competition? LOL
Sydney, Australia
The When When Contest is ours favorite contest.
Concatulashuns to Kikkycat and Jenny.
Good job.
And fanks, Millie, fur another exciting contest.
Love & Purrs,
We're glad to hear your snow has gone at last Millie - congrats to the winners too.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Congratulations to the winners! We're just happy the snow is finally gone!!
Well done, Kittykat, Jenny and let's not forget mother nature! Ahh, a lovely sight at last, yes?!
Happy Spring!
Rose and the Royals
Congratulations to the winners.
Concatulations to the winners - and hopefully the snow won't be back until next winter!
No more snow ... yay for Spring! Concatulations to the winners! :)
ConCatulations to the winners!!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
ConCatulations to all winners!!!
Good Job Jenny! Your mom is gonna love those evil little chocolates....!
Congrats to both kitties!
Congratulations to the winners! I always enjoy this contest and can't believe how long the snow stays on the ground for you! We've already got flowers and 80+ temperatures here.
Concats to the winners. Spring has really arrived, the snow is gone.
Congratolations kikkycat and Jenny :)
Millie, have you caught any butterflies yet? Spring is officially there :)
Well, the Human says I need to be a better sport. Hrmph.
Congrats to the winners! ::pout::
Oh my goodness! We forgot to post on your blog! Whoo hoo! Jenny won!!!!!!!!!! This is so isciting!
Luf, Us
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