We got ice. Just like everybody else, we got that ice storm. This is the little rhododendron bush out front, all iced over. Lady Mom says you can tell it's not REALLY cold because the leaves are mostly flat. When the weather gets REALLY cold, the leaves curl up tight like pencils.
Still, it is slippery out. Cars are encased in ice, the driveway is sheer ice, and lots of houses in New Hampster don't have any electricity because wires and tree branches covered with ice fell down.
Sounds dangerous! Be very careful and stay warm!!
Wow. Stay nice and warm and snuggle with Lady Mom and Gizzy (I know Jasmine will not snuggle with you, but make sure she is nice and warm too).
Ooh, that looks wickedly cold, Millie!
Stay snuggled up and stay well!
Millie that looks very colds out theres. please be careful and warm. oh tell your lady mom to be carefull if she goes out in that.-Sia
Its been way cold here too (for California), but we don't have ice like that! Thanks for visiting my blog, and stay warm! Tara
our news keeps talkin' 'bout record cold here in Cally4kneeya, but they's only talkin' 'bout lows in the 30's an 40's. that's nuffin compared ta efurrybuddy else.
Why hasn't winter visited us? Everyone else has it. Yet at 11pm last night it was 64 degrees! Something weird is going on in the Mid-Atlantic.
Brrr!!! Sounds like you got the nasty snow and ice that was supposed to hit Chicago but passed us by. Enjoy that warm laundry!
brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, now I've got to snuggle with my mommy on my fleece Purdue blankie.
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