La Girlfriend is very nice, and I was not scared around her. I even sniffed her fingers a few times, but I wasn't ready to let her pet me. Maybe next time. (I hope there is a next time.)
Mr Karate made dinner (La Girlfriend helped, even though Mr Karate wanted to do all the cooking), and it had Tuna in it. They left some Tuna for us, but as you know, I do not care for Tuna, so I let Gizzy have mine. They had avo-ca-dos with something they called dressing in it. Sounds really weird to me. I was definitely NOT interested in that.
The secret is out. The Lady was making a "Christmas Tree Skirt" for Mr Karate. This is confusing (as the Lady says) "on so many levels." First, I never heard of a Christmas Tree. What IS a Christmas Tree anyway? Secondly, why does a Christmas Tree need a skirt? Third, why does Mr Karate get a Christmas Tree Skirt before Christmas? Mr Karate sure doesn't need a skirt. And this skirt is BIG but the opening is -little-.
Here's a picture: (you can click the pictures to biggify)

Christmas trees are fun things to climb and sleep under. It's really nice if they have the twinkling lights on it. The skirt acts as a bed for us to sleep on. The Mom says the tree and skirt have a different purpose but I think she's got it wrong.
That is a furry pretty thing your mum has made, she is furry talented. It is clearly made for kitties to sleep on.
I am slightly confused though - you are a kitty, right? Then how can you NOT LIKE TUNA????? Tuna is the bestest thing in the whole wide world! Are you a woofie in disguise???!!!
Dearest Eric,
I AM NOT A WOOFIE!! I am a kitty. I think Beef is the bestest thing in the whole wide world. I do not know why I don't like tuna. I just don't.
Are you sure that its a tree skirt? It looks like the bestest kitty bed ever! We don't have a Christmas tree coz our apartment is a little too small, but a pile of presies just seems to grow on the table by my scratchy post. I have to sniff each and every one to see if there are treats in them. I'm gonna talk to my person about a tree this year.
Ya know we would be good roomies, I love tuna, and don't really like beef so's you could have all that and I'd eat all the tuna!
You know, Beezer, I think you're on to something. That would make an AWESOME kitty bed. Maybe I should ask the Lady to make me a special kitty bed that's nice and puffy and soft, and pretty. I bet she'd be happy to make me one. She makes quilts, so she has the stuff. Thank you so much for the idea.
And Beezer, we might make good roomies, but you'd have to come here. We have lotsa space. We gots three bedrooms, even though the Lady only uses one for a bed. And we gots a table room and a picture box room and a big litter box room and a room for cooking. In the basement the Lady has all her extra stuff and two noisy machines, Washer and Dryer. Actually three. The Heat Monster is down there too.
That's a very pretty skirt. Wow, your tree skirt is bigger than our tree usually is. He, he.
The tree skirt is about 45" across. It'll probably be bigger than the tree Mr Karate will have this year, that's for sure.
Ooh, Millie, it is a beautiful tree skirt! Your new mama is very talented! I think she could make you a kitty bed for Christmas that is just as nice, and maybe even stuffed and really soft for sleeping on.
yes it looks like a gud kitty bed. Maybe when the tree duzn't want a skirt, yoo can keep it.Christmas trees are fun. Yoo can climb them an knock all the deckerayshuns off.
The Lady is already planning to make me a special kitty bed. She has some nice fleece to keep me warm. Remember this is New Hamster and it gets cold here in the winter. She wants to make me a pretty bed, too. I am eager to see what she comes up with. I will make sure to post pictures for you all to see.
Is there a Christmas tree blouse to go withthe skirt? Hmmm - does make a nice napping surface!
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