The Lady did a lot of stuff in the kitchen. She cooked up something with apples and cranberries. Whatever it was spent a lot of time in the hot-as-hell box, but smelled very different from the smells that usually come out of there.
She made something good for her dinner tonight. It was pork. It smelled good. All three of us cats jumped on the table to get some, but she shooed us all away. When she was done, she gave us each a little bit. It was good, but not as good as beef.
Hey Millie you look like Cleo in the bag. She loves it when Mom puts one of the bags on the floor for her to play with. Yeah, I like it when my Mom cooks something in that hot box too. Always smells so good. She cooked a roast in the crock pot and it turned out so good. Yum. Had some more tonight. Ours was beef.
You look cute in that bag, Millie. Bags can be really fun to play with, especially if someone makes scratchy noises on the outside. Pork roast is really yummy.
Millie, you get cuter -- if possible -- every day.
I want a bag of Millie!
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