1. I am thankful for Malcolm, for not letting me die.
2. I am thankful for the v-e-t-s for fixing my broken body and offering their services for free.
3. I am thankful for all the cat lovers all over the world who helped pay the very big bill to make me whole again.
4. I am thankful for Malcolm and Jillian, who put up with me screaming while I was recovering.
5. I am thankful for Dan and Maggie for taking care of me when there wasn't anybody else.
6. I am thankful for the Lady, who took me in, even though she already had two older cats of her own.
7. I am thankful for the nice home I have here with the Lady and Gizzy and Jasmine.
8. I am thankful for Gizzy, for being my bestest pal, and for letting me cuddle next to him.
9. I am thankful for all the furry friends I have made all over the world, from the UK to New Zealand, from Canada to Florida, California and Hawaii in the US.
10. I am thankful for all the people who have made this little blog a part of their lives; who have offered help, advice and support. They come from all over the world, including Mexico. I have a soft spot for Mexico.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Now, pass the turkey. Please.
I'm thankful you're my friend, Darling Millie! Happy Thanksgiving!
And *I* am thankful for The Lady, who selflessly took Millie in (in spite of parental protests), gave her a loving home, and let her become the beautiful, loving kitty we all knew she would be. Congratulations, Millie, and thank you, Lady.
I am also thankful to all the people who saved you, Millie. It helps me remember that good things are happening every day. Happy Thanksgiving.
I feel the need to call everyone's attention to the thread where Millie got her name...first suggested here (read the comments), and finalized here.
G'night Millie. Love you. :)
When I came to live here, one of the Lady's friends asked, "Are you going to keep that name, Millie?" And the Lady said, "Absolutely. I helped name her."
Hi Millie,
I'm thankful to all the people that helped you too, because you are very sweet and I'm glad we are friends.
I think we're all thankful to all the people who helped you. You're a special little kitty. :)
We are thankful that things worked out for you Millie and that you found such a great home. And for the Lady for having this blog so we can follow your further adventures.
yes millie, we too are thankful for malcolm and everyone that helped with your adventure to your furrever home with the lady, gizzy and jasmine. your story was a gift, a reassurance to many that kindness and unselfish giving still exist in this world. and we are thankful your lady decided to continue to share your adventure with all of us. may blessings continue to shower down on you and your family.
Happy Thanksgiving to Millie and the Lady. I wonder if she loves turkey as much as my dear cat Ed does...
Have a lovely Thanksgiving Day Millie & family. We don't get it here but my mum wishes we did because then she would have had the day off work today and got to eat lots of food and stay home with me, instead of it just being a boring old Thursday!
A furry happy fanksgivin to you, too, Millie! We's fankful that Malcolm saved you, too, cuz there are so many stories of bad fings happenin, an that was a furry good fing he did. If you come visit my bloggy today, we haf turkey an ham to share!
Darling Millie you are growing up so fast and are so wise already. Happy Fanksgiving to you too ~Merlin, SHadow, Ko kO and the Pioland Tribe
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone at your house Millie, The Lady, Gizzie and Jasmine. Purrs.
Happy Thankgiving to the kitties! A special thanks goes to the Lady for opening her heart and home to you, Millie. Me and my Old Girl enjoy reading about all your adventures.
Hi Millie, its so nice to hear that you are thankful to so many people!! My cats too 've njoyed a lot in this Thanksgiving with yummy food...And hey, this tom is just too much!!
Happy Fanksgifing Millie! We is fankful that you haf made such a wonderful recovery from your bad start, and that you haf a wonderful home wif the Lady and Gizzy and Jasmine
Hi Millie, you sound really nice. Sorry to hear about the (don't want to say the word but it begins with V).
Hope you're 100% now! Cat Hugs
What a wonderful list!
That's a great list and we's so happy you got to have a furever home. Yur life brought lots of people together and opened up lots of human hearts.
That is a very good list of things... we are thankful you are safe now & have many more holidays in your future to enjoy with the Lady & your family.
Hi Millie
I am one of dos kitties that wuz a part of yur recovery. I have followed yur story since Malcolm saw yu when yu furst got hurted by dat bad bean who did not stop to see how yu were. It is so gud to see such a wonderful outcome to yur story. See, miracles do come true. We is so glad yu have such a happy home and dat we can still see yu via da blogosphere.
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