Mom loves Christymas. It's her favorite holiday. Usually she is very prepared. She has her shopping done by Turkey Day and the decorations up the first weekend in December. By this time in December, the presents are all wrapped, and she's been giving the hot-as-hell-box a workout.

This year, she isn't feeling it. She was so focused on Turkey Day and her friends visiting that she completely forgot about Christymas (imagine that!). So she's trying to get into the Spirit.
We haven't got a tree yet, and I know she feels Christymas-y when the tree is up. She wants a real one this year, but that means she has to go out and buy a stand for it, and then figure out how to get a Christymas tree home by herself.
So when she drove home last night, and noticed this Santa in a hot-air balloon on the neighbor's front yard, she smiled. It's really pretty at night, all lit up and glowing.
We like that Santa too!!
We think that Santa is great fun.
Mom drives by someone who has one in there yard as well and loves it. I saw your mom has a tree party. And goes shopping with others like plus one and Mr karete and they come back and help with the tree. And she could serve sweets
We like that one. Its differnt!
Wow - that's a great yard decoration Millie.
I hope your mom figures everything out about getting you a real tree to climb. That will be terrific fun for you.
Sydney, Australia
We have a hot-air balloon Santa in our neighborhood too! My human wishes she could drive me around to see all the Christmas lights, but I would just think I was going to the vet.
Sometimes for the hollidays you have to enjoy everyone elses decorations. We certain do and so does mum.
Don't feel too bad. We don't have our tree up yet either, or any other decorations. I'm not sure we're going to, either...but it's ok as long as santa still comes, right...?
That is a very cute Santa. We learned that Santa Paws comes even if the Mom does not have the spirit!
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