It's snowing, and has been for many hours, but that's not the only thing miserable about today.
Remember this?

It's my teaser toy I got as a Christymas present. Yesterday I hacked up a hairball, except it wasn't a hairball. It was a piece of the shiny sparkly ribbon from this toy. Mom freaked out big time, and hunted for the rest of it. She had thought she put it where I couldn't reach it.

She was wrong. Mom found lots of little bits, but she's not sure she found all the pieces. She's hoping I didn't swallow more of it.

So I'm resting, and Mom's watching.
Update: I have had two good meals since I chewed on that ribbon. Paws crossed!
Second update: Mom found the bit of sparkly ribbon she was looking for. It was in the litter box. (You'll have to use your imagination a bit. I always knew Mom loved me, but now I REALLY know she loves me.) I am feeling much better. Mom called the v-e-t and they told her to watch me.

So I'm watching the snow and Mom's watching me. Makes for an interesting day.
Millie, we are so sorry that the toy we sent you was too tempting that you wanted to eat it. WE are purring that you are OK.
Oh no, Millie! I hope you hacked up whatever you swallowed, or if there was anything left, that it passes through your system without further incident! Please feel better - I am sending you lots of purrs.
Uh-oh. I hope that you already barfed up all you swallowed. I hope your teaser toy doesn't get taken away forever.
Millie - that's dreadful news. And you don't look well: you're all blurry and fuzzy around the edges. I hope tomorrow sees you back to your usual self and in focus again.
Sydney, Australia
Oh Millie - I do hope you will be okay. My sisfur's kitty eats dat shiny stuff too. Healing purrs for you sweetie - purr purr purr purr
Oh Millie we hope you haven't got any more pieces left in your tummy.
We are purring for you to feel better.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Millie, sometimes we love a toy so much we eat parts of it too. Mommy has to snip the tails off our mousies otherwise through. As long as you only nibbled a short bit you should be fine.
Feel better soon dear furriend, and stay warm in all that snow.
I don't understand why anyone makes cat toys out of stuff that's not safe for kitties to nom. It seems to me that all cat toys should be made either from stuff that's safe to nom or stuff that doesn't come apart when we chew on it. Silly humans.
Hi Millie! We are glad you are feeling better - we have that same problem in our house - those shiny strings just look so tasty to nom on. Mom has to hide ours way up in the closet so we can't get it - we did get it down once but luckily she caught us. We are sorry you had tummy troubles but are glad all the pieces are accounted for!
Only very special kitties poop sparkly bits! But seriously, we hope you will be OK. Hugs.
I have a teaser like that too and I chewed on it as well. I only got sparkly yaks, no sparkly poops. Mum doesn't let me play with it much anymore. ::sigh:: I loved it.
Sorry to hear that your toy got taken away. Mom looks in the litter box all the time and then tells the v-e-t. I don't get it. I have been playing with the Christmas tree. It gets her up real fast. I especially like smacking the little German bear. He is gone now. I wonder where he went. Stay warm Millie and keep mom off the snowy roads.
We expect ya will be OK Millie. TBT remembers bein a kid an Kenani-Cat would walk around with a strand of tinsel hangin out her butt! It never seemed ta cause her any trubbles. Of course, TBT never uses tinsel... Just in case.
I hope you are much better by now - My mom went out of town and left me and I couldn't get on the internet til now...
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