Missy-the-woofie is still here. She slept on Mom's bed. With Mom!

I don't sleep on Mom's bed, but it's still MY SPOT.

Yesterday Mom took Missy-the-woofie away, but when she came back, Missy was with her.
Mom says that she will go home with Mim-may later today.
After we cheer and root for both
Roger and Andy.
It's gonna be a rough day.
On the plus side,

this is the first day in weeks and weeks and weeks that we have had sunshine and NO CLOUDS!
We wishes you could send us some rain. It is way to HOT and dry here.
Missy looks like a very nice woofie and not much bigger then a cat. Just imagine having to put up with a giant woofie puppy. ~S,S,C & F
PS: I am not that much trouble. Scylla even let me sniff her yesterday. ~Fenris
It is great that you got blue sky's and no rain. enjoy the Tennis!
You are being extra patient with that D-O-G! You deserve treats.
"Blue skies, smilin' at me, nothin' but blue skies, do I see"! I'm so glad you've finally got a day without rain, Miss Millie. Go sit in the window, honey, and just turn your back on that Missy-woofie.
Ugh. Dogs.
Sometimes you just don't have a choice but to share with one you don't want around. But the woofie is a visitor, so perhaps you'll forgive it for making itself at home in your beds?
Millie, sorry to hear that Missy the Woofie is still there. Cookie and Caramel, the fosters, are still here, and some of us (Meerkat) are Less.Than.Thrilled.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
We were beginning to think we were living in Seattle with all our gloomy weather too! This weeks looks more promising.
What a bold move Missy made taking the best spot on the bed!
Make sure mom washes the sheets to get rid of the woofie cooties, ok?
Millie - big hug from me to help you get through the woofie invasion. Sleeping on the bed was provocative and you have shown great restraint in remaining aloof. As soon as the woofie has left you will need to invest many hours in each of the places that the woofie slept to restore that special stink of yours. Good luck.
Sydney, Australia
Millie,tell that sun to come our way!! We have had rain too and a TON of fog :O
Bet you will be happy when Missy goes,sorta ;)
We cannot believe it has been 3 years since you were rescued!! We remember that time well! You're still cute :)
Enjoy that sun,a Mom & Millie home and we will purr for your Mom's hunting place!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Millie, I share your pain. Life must be tough having Missy the Woofie there. Momcat makes Maggie the Woofie sleep in a crate in the family room. So I still reign supreme on the bed. Exactly how it should be. I hope your bean comes to her senses soon.
Zippy sez she'll take dat little woofie off yoor paws...
We are glad ya put up wif da woofie. We wouldn't. We would bit his nose an toes all day.
Yipppeee for blue skies, and yipppeee for Missy going home. You should sleep on the bed with your mom, in winter it is the best. I imagine it is a bit too hot at the moment.
When my boy brought home a woofie, I went upstairs and stayed there for 5 years. That's what I think of woofies. Temtations help.
Millie, you do look a bit peeved that the woofie is on the bed and on your chair. We are glad she is going home, but we are also proud that you tolerated her as well as you did. We are glad the sun is out for you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
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