Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yellow and Black and White

These are some of the trees in the yard behind our house. Many trees turn yellow in the fall, and they aren't considered as beautiful as trees that turn red, but when the sun shines through these yellow trees, it is very beautiful.

Mom had a long day hunting the mysterious elusive month end yesterday. She was really bummed that Mondo didn't win Project Runway. I agree with her. Any designer who works primarily with black and white has my vote!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thursday Thing

I get in my cat cup if the weather is chilly.

I get out of my cat cup if the weather is nice and warm, and my cat cup is too hot. If the window is open, it's too warm to get into the cat cup. Mom kept the window open all day yesterday, and it was pretty nice, except when it was raining.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mooshie! Mooshie Mooshie!

Oh lookit! The cutest little sticky person EVER! That's my (and Monty's) Mooshie! He's such a cutie-patootie!

BY THE WAY... It's Max, the Psychokitty's seven year blogoversary today. I owe Max, like, everything. Please go over and leave a comment. The Dood deserves it! Thanks!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Millie Monday

I've been hiding out the last couple of days in my nifty cat cup. It's cozy, warm and it fits me perfectly. I love it.

Plus it's a great place to hide when your Mom decides to clean the house.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Snuggly Saturday

Mom was surprised to find me in my tent. Dunno why, it's got a nice warm fleecy pillow.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Find Me Friday

I really like this quilt Julie made for my Mom. Gizzy used to nap under quilts and blankets. I'm thinking a lot about Gizzy lately. Mom's been telling me stories about when he was a kit.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Mom's been tippy-tapping, but she admitted she has to rearrange her tippy-tapping plans so I am not neglected.

I am very happy to see she got her priorities in order.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Happy Birthday, Derby! Here's my contribution for Tocktober!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Mom is trying to set up a regular schedule for her tippy-tapping. Home from day-hunting, dinner, cleanup the dishes, then tippy tap. After that, bedtime. That's the way she wants it.

Need I mention she forgot something supremely important... ME!

Sure, I get my dinner at the same time as usual, and it's the stinky goodness I adore, but seriously, did you think I was going to let Mom forget my afterdinner scritching time? Would any cat put up with having to wait for their regular scritches? I think not.

So I didn't.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Millie Monday


(Yes, this is the heated cat cup Mom bought me a squillion years ago. Yes indeed, I wouldn't get in it for three whole years. I get in it now, and I love it. I'm a cat. It's my prerogative to change my mind.)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Tippy-Tappy Tell-All

Hi! I have a story to tell you, gather round.

I've told you that Mom's doing a lot of tippy-tapping on the lapbox lately. She's still at it, and she's showing no signs of letting up. Yesterday she cleared the table in the sewing room and covered it with papers. She rearranged them, then drew squiggles on some parts, arrows on others, and big X's over other parts. Sometimes she'd pick up a piece of paper, rip in in half and throw it on the floor.I really don't know what the fuss is about. I've looked at these papers, and there's absolutely nothing special on any of them. I see my name, "Millie" over and over again, but I also see "Gizzy" and "Jasmine" and the words "quilting", "sewing" and "blog." None of that is out of the ordinary.

I'll be doing my best to make sure she doesn't wear her fingers out, or forget the important things in life (like -me-). You know how my Mom gets... she gets all revved up on something, and does nothing else, then after a while, she finds something else to do.

Now, don't mention anything to her about all this. Let's keep it a secret!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

National Feral Cat Day

Today is National Feral Cat Day. I am a formerly feral cat, and a very lucky one.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Meet Dora!

Have you met Dora yet? She is a cutie-patootie 11 week old kitten who lives with our dear friend Fat Eric's mum in the UK.

You can go visit her here:

I'm glad Kate's got a new companion to keep her busy.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday Thirty-Three

Thank you all for purring with me. Mom watched last night as the first miner was rescued. She got up yesterday, and we watched Nine and Ten. Mom says she checked the internet all day long, watching the numbers grow. When she got home from day hunting, she watched until the very last miner was rescued.

Thirty-three! What a glorious number, and what a great job by the Chileans and everybody around the world who helped. It's a great story.

Now, if you'll excuse me, my purr-er needs a break. I'm gonna go take a nap!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

Look, we blogging cats are a fairly frivolous bunch, and we're damned lucky. It's easy to brag about how we run our houses, and call our People our servants and stuff...

But today my thoughts are with those 33 miners in Chile who are hoping their rescue goes smoothly and safely, so you'll forgive me if I'm less "flip" today.

Today, I'm sending purrs to Chile, and I'm gonna keep sending them until all the miners are free. Hope you can join me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tattle Tale Tuesday

While Mom was doing this:I was doing this:
Somebody's got a good thing going here, and I'm pretty sure you can guess which one of us it is!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Millie Monday

Mom and I are working hard to finish this quilt.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Sharkive Saturday

Mom went day hunting today. She has this very strange story about why. She said she had to give some of her data to a Shark.

No Millie, I had to archive some historical data.

Huh? You had to teach a Stork to dive on an Ark? Isn't that a kind of a boat?

No Millie, I purged some data from our Live data and put it in a separate place called an archive.

You taught a pigeon how to do a swan dive? Did he know how to swim in the first place?

No Millie, I deleted some old files and gave them a different home.

So you put them in the Recycle Bin. Why didn't you just say so? Isn't that what it's for anyway?


Jeez, Mom, you don't have to use all the bad werds on the bad werd list. I was telling everybody what you did today. Hmph.

Mom's annoyed.

Dunno why.

Oh well.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Finally Friday

I have got the better of the Fox and the Dog. I am Top Cat.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Thursday Three

1. I really like it when the heating monster works.

2. The FOX is not alone. There is a DOG with him, but neither will cause me any grief because they are both on a QUILT!

3. Mom just discovered the stats on my blog readership, and apparently I have readers from Brazil, the Netherlands, Ireland and Russia. Wow!

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Working Wednesday

It's my job to personally inspect every quilt that Mom makes.

They have to be checked for softness, for nap-ability, for love absorption and reflection, and they all have to be thoroughly coated with my furs.Look, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tattle Tale Tuesday

Mom says the lord of land is sending somebody to fix the heating monster on Wednesday. The same day an inspector is coming to inspect the building. Holey moley! That means he's coming in HERE!

You shoulda seen Mom when she got back from day hunting yesterday. Cleaning stuff off tables, folding laundry, shredding paper, washing dishes... Nothing like an unexpected visitor to get Mom to clean the place up but quick!

It's funny. She has been doing a lot of tippy tapping on the little lapbox, but a quilt came in the mail yesterday for her to finish. It's gonna fly way far away when it is done. Then she said something about a Fox coming home. I sure do hope he's a vegetarian.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Millie Monday

It's starting to get chilly here in New Hampster. Mom has to call the lord of land, because when she turns on the heating monster down in the basement, the smoke detective down there starts beeping. She checked it all out - no smoke - but when the heating monster turned off, the beeping stopped.

So, as my Brit friends would say, she's not best pleased.

Oh, did I mention the lord of land is away on a trip right now?

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Scritches Sunday

Here I am getting scritches from Mom. I've got her trained pretty good.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

(Mom, a little to the left please...)

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Surprising Saturday

When the Hots are here, I only eat half my stinky goodness at breakfast and dinner. Mom usually leaves me some crunchies, but I don't eat them much. So Mom decided to see if I would like a new kind of crunchies.Um, yeah.

nom, nom, nom...

Friday, October 01, 2010


We are supposed to have LOTS of rain today. I think I'll just find a comfy place to nap... (yawn!)