It's my job to personally inspect every quilt that Mom makes.
They have to be checked for softness, for nap-ability, for love absorption and reflection, and they all have to be thoroughly coated with my furs.Look, it's a tough job, but somebody's gotta do it.
I am so glad you take your job seriously, Millie! It would be tragic if a quilt left your home that did not come up to napping standards, or that did not contain sufficient fur!
Millie, you also snoopervise the whole quilting process....good thing you have a titanium rod in your leg, what with the weight of all that responsibility ;)
millie you should insied on testing the niap abuilty on each quit this is and imporet pat of Q&A quits must beable to hold nip and stad up to a nip up cat lucky mine dose
I had a cat very similar to yours. Black and white fast and love to cuddle with my quilts, and play with anything I am doing. Un-fortunately this morning around 9:30am I found her on the road dead. I was unable to save her. I am so happy you were able to save your kitty.
It is a tough job. Do you help pick fabrics, too? We love to lay on Mom's quilts when she is working on them!
And nokitty better than you ta do it... Keep up the good werk!
I am so glad you take your job seriously, Millie! It would be tragic if a quilt left your home that did not come up to napping standards, or that did not contain sufficient fur!
And you are conscientous too. Good job!
Sydney, Australia
PS. Do you ever wonder about pusscats whose Mom's don't make quilts? What responsibilities do they have? And what do they nap on?
you look good on that red
Wot an ace job to have!
we hopes you gets paid well
We can see you are concentrating really hard on the important task of furr distribution.
What an impawtant job you have!
Your furs, Millie, is what makes them so valuable and beautiful!
Millie, you also snoopervise the whole quilting process....good thing you have a titanium rod in your leg, what with the weight of all that responsibility ;)
Well...without your furs and smell the quilts wouldn't be DONE...
Thank you for working so hard to make sure every blanket is just right, Millie. You are doing a wonderful job!
millie you should insied on testing the niap abuilty on each quit this is and imporet pat of Q&A quits must beable to hold nip and stad up to a nip up cat lucky mine dose
Excellent job millie!
I had a cat very similar to yours. Black and white fast and love to cuddle with my quilts, and play with anything I am doing. Un-fortunately this morning around 9:30am I found her on the road dead. I was unable to save her. I am so happy you were able to save your kitty.
I find I have to do the same thing too! No quilt is properly tested unless it's done by a cat!
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