Mom's a bit blue. She had a fantastic week last week, what with all her friends and fambly visiting, and all that cooking and eating... Now they are all gone, and she is moping around a bit.
I have told her to Get Going! Christsymas is right around the corner, and she has to start getting ready. Our Santa has already come up from the dungeon, and she needs to decorate the house. I need to frolic through all the stuff and make messes!
She has already bought little presents for KidBean and SweetBean, and she needs to wrap them up and give them to the Man in Bloo Shorts. I know that once she Starts Going, she will be fine, so I have my work cut out for me today.
Maybe wif the SNOW (oooh, we don't like that word) comin' this dark, she'll get all Christmasy! It always works for our mommy!
She will snap our of it, Millie! You will get to make messes!
All MomBean does is nurse Moosh, in my opinion. Little porker.
Once your mom gets moving she's a dynamo! She was so busy cooking & cleaning before company came, so she needs to look at this as the calm before another storm of activity!
Aww! We felt so sure that today would be the day.
We hope your mom feels brighter soon.
You need to get on the case Millie. Your mom needs some scritches of her own, and you've got a significant contribution that you can make, so hop to it!
Sydney, Australia
Mum finally got going on the Christmouse stuff too. A few things out like the door wreath, red ribbons on the front. Plus she gotted started on cards and peanut brittle.
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