Yup! It started snowing yesterday afternoon, and it snowed off and all all evening. There are still clumps of leafs on the tree. Now they have snow on them.

To get out of her funk, Mom started decorating for Christymas. The big box with the Christymas tree is up from the dungeon, so naturally I had to examine it closely.

Very closely.

And then there was all this other stuff...

Can you see my Holiday Gizzy?

After all that work, I needed a nap. Here's my new favorite napping spot. That's my
pink blankie, and the basket is the one Gizzy used to nap in every day.
Yeah, somtimes ya just gotta nibble a Bein ankle ta get them goin on things!
Smart kitty distracting your Mom while finding cool things to checkk out!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Well yoo desrve a rest after all that helping wiv the Chrismouse decorating.
If Gizzy napped in that basket it is full of good Kharma!
No snow here yet, but it's cold outside! Today I'm just relaxing in my new bed that Mom got me for Thanksgiving when she was gone.
Ick!!!!!!!!! WE are getting that white stuff today. It's windy and wet snow is falling. Thank goodness we are indoor kitties.
This is making Mom get all Christmasy too,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow snow and a Christmas tree! What a spoiled kitty to have a Christmas Gizzy quilt. Come to think of it, you have a lot of warm, cuddly places to sleep. We are supposed to have rain tomorrow. Cross your paws that the whole mountain doesn't come down.
Rusty and Deb
Well done in the quality inspection department Ms Millie. I'm sure that your mom felt cheered up by the team commitment to getting the Christmas decorating started.
Sydney, Australia
I never finked tha leafs would still be on that tree today! Even wif snow on 'em. You just can't never tell wif leafs.
You look comfy in tha Gizzy Basket, that's a nice spot.
Love & Purrs,
Ack, white stuff! Ours will be coming Sunday night/Monday AM.
Boy what a difference in the picture from Saturday to Sunday. Oooh, lookie at all the good stuff to play with on the coffee table. It's even neater when it gets on the Christmas tree. Have a good nap on the pinkie blanket.
You sure were busy getting that tree all fixed up, no wonder you are ready for a nap!!! Oh yea, burr on the snow stuff, makes my whiskers shiver!
We cannot believe there are still leaves on that tree outside! Yeah, for tree decorating. What fun!
Christmas decorating is tiring!
Look at all the fun stuff you got to go through and inspect! We don't get a tree this year - because Mom says we'll destroy it! Oh well! Enjoy yours!
Austin, Nico & JayJay :)
Look at all the fun stuff you got to go through and inspect! We don't get a tree this year - because Mom says we'll destroy it! Oh well! Enjoy yours!
Austin, Nico & JayJay :)
Our mewmie isn't putting up a tree this year cuz she's going to visit her mewmie and littermates in Orygun. We hope she at least buys a balsam wreath so we can sniff and investigate it (sometimes she puts one on the dining room table and she says it's for us!)
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