I have some Friday Facts to correct some misconceptions, as indicated by some of the comments on yesterday's post.
1. I always liked being petted, but I didn't -ask- to be petted.
2. Gizzy -always- loved being petted, and sat in anybody's lap when he was a kit, but once he turned one, no laps for him. That lasted about 7 years, until Mr Karate went away one summer. Toward the end of the summer he got so lonely he climbed into Mom's lap, and was a lap cat the rest of his life.
3. Mom was (and still is) reading The Friday Night Knitting Club. No spoilers, please.
4. The Last Leaf Falls Contest will end on December 16, the last date chosen. Those last leafs will fall, but it might not be until Spring, when New Leafs take their place. If the leafs fall before then, oh well!
5. I still don't sit in anybody's lap.
6. Mom has picked me up exactly twice. First time was the moment we met, way back when. The second time was my last visit to the v-e-t. We were waiting for Dr. L, and I was on that metal table you all know about, trembling. Mom picked me up to try to soothe me. I let her hold me for about fifteen seconds then started wiggling. Mom put me down.
7. Pip-pay is home from rehab, and is walking around with a cane!
We're sending a strong wind tomorrow to blow all the leaves off so we can win!
hey, YAY for Pip-pay!!!!!
Good noos abowt Pip-pay. We think those leafs have been sooper-glued in place.
The Friday Night Knitting Club? No spoiler; I love that book - it's one which escapes every clearout and never goes to the charity shop.
We are so glad Pip-pay is out of rehab and Walking around!
She's only picked you up twice? I must have read that wrong.
Tell your mom not to feel bad about never picking you up. Cody has only been picked up by Mom once - and that was also on his gotcha day (11 years or so ago). He has also never gotten any pets by Mom, so you are definitely ahead of him.
We are glad to hear that your Pip-pay is back home where he belongs.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Gracie
Stupid leafs!
That is great that Pip-Pay is out of rehab and getting around - cane or not!
And we have probably just missed the info on this - if your mom isn't picking you up how is she getting you to the vets?
Millie - I'm hopeful that as you grow older, you may develop a desire to become a lap cat and allow your mom to pick you up. You'll enjoy it - really!
Sydney, Australia
I get picked up twice every day. Meds. I hate it.
Great news about Pip-pay.
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