Hi! It's raining today. It looks like our tree is finally starting to change colors.

Mom and I both got packages from the man in the bloo shorts. Mine was from my friends Isis, Summer, Babe, Jeannie, Bob & Romeo from Florida. It's a giant 'Nip-stuffed Candy Corn Toy! Woo hoo!

Mom got a squillion zippers.

I still think she's crazy.
We can see the colours chainging on the tree! For a dredfull moment there we thought it would never lose it's leaves!
Nice surprise in the mail!
That candy corn is precious! I want one, too. Love all the colors in the zippers. I bet we're going to see lots of cute bags!
First they change colors, then they fall to the ground, then we get to run through them!
Nice packages. Our mom would be excited over zippers, too!
It's been raining a lot here too! I hate it! Everything is so wet! All the trees have lost a lot of their leaves too. I can't see the grass anymore cuz it's all covered up with wet leaves now after all the rain. I want summer back!
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