It's sunny today! Here are the trees across the street. They look nice, right?

Then Mom turned and looked in another direction and saw this:

Then the sun hit it.

Mom says she tries to find beauty every day, and enjoy it.

She's trying to take a picture of my 'tocks, but that's not working out so good!
If we would all look aroung we would find beauty. Too many people are too busy to look.
happy 'tock'tober, millie!
the trees are just lovely, and i agree about finding beauty in everything.
Beautiful colours.
We have the same trouble with tock taking
Our red maple still has lots of leaves, too. It's only about 1/3 bare yet.
LOL...I thought when you "turned around" we were gonna see a tree without leaves. That color looks just like the color a maple that was in front of my previous house used to look.
Wow! It looks like that tree is on fire the colors are so bright! Our mom sez she thinks the colors are particularly beautiful this year for some reason.
That second tree is furry pretty. I want to see your lady tocks Miss Millie!
The trees are spectacular!
Our mom is always taking "nearly" tocks pics too! Tee hee!
Thank you for sharing not only the picture but the reminder to find beauty in every day. If we seek, we will find. That's a promise.
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