It has been cold outside, and I won't sleep in the heated cat cup. I do like sleeping on this green aff-gan that Mom has on her bed. So now, instead of making her bed every morning, Mom fixes the puffy down comforter into a nest for me. It is very warm, and when the sun leaves the cat hammock, I come to sleep here. It is where she finds me when she comes back from her day hunting gig.
It's one of the little pleasures of life.
I got turkey yesterday, when Mom came home. It was -yummy-!
You look very cozy and comfy on the bed, Millie. I would love a heated cat cup. :) My mom hasn't been able to find any in Germany, though.
If it gets any colder before Jan turns on the heat, we're going to kick her out of bed and take her covers! But it has been pretty nice for this time of year, so we'll wait a little longer to rise up and get warm. Okay, warmer.
Glad you got some turkey yesterday. We had teeny bites. We wanted biiiiig helpings.
Jan's Funny Farm
see, mommies are the best - if they see we doesn't like somefing that they fink we will like, they make shur that they fix somefing else for us when we tell them we want it
You is so lucky you gots the turkey..Our momma gave hers away!!
We also has a down comfortor too...and we woves it!
She's a great mom! You should give the cat cup a try someday.
I know what you mean, Millie. We have cat cups all over the house, but we prefer the afghan on our human artist's bed!
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
You have a very thoughtful Mommy Millie!
I loooves the down comforter too! Mine mombean has a flannel cover she stuffs in into and the combo makes the best nest bed ever.
Don't yajust love it when Mom spoiles you!!!
Yay!! for the turkey :)
That duz look like a nice soft and warm nest to curl up in.
Isn't it just wonderful not to be feral and hafta try to find some place dat isn't freezing to sleep.
Ma can never make her bed either cause I don't wanna get up. -Sultanfus
Mom claims that that is why she doesn't make her bed furry much ... Cat comfort. Yeah, right. I say that she's just too lazy.
Enjoy your warm comforter, Millie!
You do look very warm and comfy, Millie. It's really nice of your Mom to make you a nest to sleep in while she is out hunting.
You look so cute snuggled up in there! It looks very warm and comfy.
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