My sweetie Monty Q has tagged me for the 7 Random Things Meme.
I have decided to list 7 things I do NOT like:
1. I do not like having my claws trimmed.
2. I do not like being picked up.
3. I do not like the rustle of the down comforter or of Mom's puffy pink coat.
4. I do not like tuna.
5. I do not like the heated cat cup.
6. I do not like strangers.
7. I do not like the tent Mom made me.
(You should go over to read Lucky & Roxy's answers. They are pretty funny!)
That is such a nice tent. We had one too, a really cute one wif cat faces on it that belonged to our big brofur. After he left us, we used it maybe once. Mom gave it away to Angel (the cat we hate next door). Angel loved it - for a while. then we got it back. Then mom gave it to Mickey, but he never liked it. Um, we thinks it has dust on it now. (sigh)guess we're not really answering your question.
Mindy & Moe
I do not like my heated cat cup either.
i think i would like the heated cat cup
Mom got us to use our kitty beds by making dat da only place we got our bedtime treats. She's sneaky dat way.
That is a furry neat cat teepee that you've got, Millie. Your momma did a furry good job constructing it ... I'm surprised that you don't like to play in it.
Is is the poofy pillow you don't like? We don't like to lay on poofy stuff. Try a blankey or Gizzy quilt in it instead.
Do you have a Humane Society near by? I know there are kitties who would love the tee pee and the cup!
I think you should have a competition and make dem prizes. Maybe a dress up like santa competition - and the winners could either get the prizes demselves or donate dem to the spca/shelter.
We suspect it is that the tent is too high inside to give that comfortin enclosed feelin! In fact, we have directed The Big Thing's attention to that fact regarding the tent he CLAIMS to be makin fer us (we havent seen any part sittin aroun yet).
We EXPECT to get it from him as a Christmas Prezzie! (hint hint)
Or auction the tent off to raise money for a cause.
Like Derby said, maybe you could have an auction to raise moneys for the Artsy Catsy fund or to help out with the LA hoarder cats who all need shelter and medical attention.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles & Lola
I tagged you for the BOX OF LIFE meme.
King Obsidian
Ummm I like your tent,I like tuna.Yet I hate my claws trimmed and strangers.
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