I dunno why Mom has such a hard time with Easy. She seems to really like Difficult. Sometimes she just doesn't get it. Anyway, here she is trying to bribe me into getting into the cat cup by putting my bedtime treats in there.
She should get a grip. I didn't get into the
spiffy bed I got as a
Secret Paw present
from Monty Q for about three months.
She made chocolate chip cookies last night. But heaven forbid, she didn't use the recipe on the bag (which bag?)

Oh no. She had to make a special version. You can check them out over on her cooking blog,
Cooks With Love.
You know, when she does stuff like that, the whole kitchen goes to pot.
You think I'm joking?
Wow, that's a lot of different chocolate chips, and a lot of cooking pans!!! My mom tries to bribe me sometimes too, Millie.
Looks great~!!!
I am looking forward to your mommy's works~!!
Wow Millie! That's more pots and pans than mine mombean has in the whole kitchen. You should be extra glad that you are a kitty, coz she might try to make you do the washing up.
If we could only have a sou chef to make it all go away for us...
Mum doesn't have that many pots and pans to get dirty. She would have to stop and clean them before she could make more.
Matter of fact she is being domestic today too. She made your mum's muffin bread today. Then did the dish washy thing. More cooking later.
Hey, dat's what our kitchen looks like when dad cooks! He makes a really big mess and den mom yells and den he says "but, I cooked so yoo should clean up" and den mom sez "you don't clean up when I cook" and den he says "because I'm lazy, remember?" and she sez "at least you admit it" and den she spenda hours cleaning up his mess and by da time she's done dad is hungry again...we're tired now.
Mom cleaned all those pots and pans in less than 15 minutes.
Why do the Beans always fink they can bribe us wiv treats? Why duz it always work?
I don't know why beans like to use treats to get us to do something.It might work on them ;)
Mom really likes the "adult" cookies. They sound like a pleasant change from the "regular" ones :)
Maybe she should put a cookie in da cat cup!
With all of those pot and pans I bet the cookies were delish!
You've got the only brand of chips used for cookies at our house -- Ghirardelli 60%. My human made cookies not long ago and people loved 'em.
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