1. Life. I am thankful for being alive. I had been hit by a car, and would surely have died had Malcolm not rescued me.
2. Food. I have access to good food and fresh water each day. Feral cats do not. Even some beans don't have that.
3. Shelter. It's nice to have a safe place. It's even nicer when it is warm and dry and away from the elements.
4. Medical Care. Even though us cats hate the v-e-t visits, they keep us healthy with immunizations and medicine. In many cases, the v-e-t-s are lifesavers; they saved Chance, Lilly Lu, and many others, including me.
5. Comfort. I am thankful that I have Mom to give me pets and scritches when I want. Last night, for example, she came home from her day hunting and lay down on her bed near me. I snuggled next to her and she petted me to my heart's content. I purred and purred and purred.
6. Love. Mom doesn't just give me what I -need- she gives me extra stuff just because she loves me. I have a beautiful Gizzy Quilt, I have toys, I have a heated cat cup, I get treats.
7. Family. I am a member of a loving extended family that includes Mom & Mr Karate, Mimmay & Pippay, the Karate Lady, Mr Big & Little Mr Big (aka the Boy). Family members love you no matter what.
8. Friends. When I came to live here, there were two older geezer cats, Gizzy and Jasmine. Gizzy became my dearest friend. Now I have many friends. Even, -gasp- some woofies!
9. Play. I am lucky enough to have fun toys to play with. It sure does make life interesting.
10. Meaningful Work. I have the very important job of doing Quality Assurance on each and every Gizzy Quilt that Mom makes. I love my job.
11. Blogging. Never in a squillion years would I have ever imagined I would have friends all over the world! It wouldn't have happened without my very own blog. I love sharing my stories with you, and reading yours.
12. The Cat Blogosphere. The cats and their beans in the blogosphere are the most thoughtful, caring, considerate, helpful creatures on the planet, and I am proud to be a member. Together we have helped save lives, raised money for an injured babybean and had a lot of fun. Mom and I are very thankful for the outpouring of sympathy we received when Gizzy and Jasmine each went to the Rainbow Bridge this year.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
KC said...
well said, Millie.
us kitties of the cat blogosphere haf so much to be fankful for, and you (an ur's Mom) are one of them.
Purrs, KC
That is a wonderful list of things to be thankful for, Millie. :) Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I enjoyed celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving last month. :)
Purrfect, Millie.
Happy Fanksgiving to yoo and yore Mommy!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
Millie, you are a very wise kitty! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks Millie for stopping by and wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving and I want so say the same to ya. I hope we will get to know each other better and become friends. This bloggin stuff is fun, you meet a lot of good pae friends.
happy thanksgiving, Millie and mom! Hope you gets some turkey!
Happy Thanksgiving Millie! We hope they sneak you some turkey home!
Luf, Us
Happy Thanksgiving Millie!!
Yes, you do have much to be thankful for... and we are thankful for YOU! Happy Day to you and your family.
Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving, Millie. I hope you and your mom and Mr. Karate have a warm and yummy day!
Hey, Millie and Millie's mom,
We can't forget to stop by and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
We are thankful your mom did such a wonderful job on our Gizzy quilts and your quality assurance checks were superb. Keep up the good work.
Jan's Funny Farm
Happy Thanksgiving Millie and family! I thoroughly enjoyed your list. Well said!
Happy Thanksgiving, Millie~!!!
These are great things to be thankful~!!! I am also very thankful to be your friend~!!!
You are a wonderful friend of mine!! Please kiss your mommy for me :)
Those are wonderful things to be thankful for Millie. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your peoples.
It's good to remember all the things we have to be thankful for, and you've got a lot!
Happy Thanksgiving, Millie!
happy thanksgiving millie, mommie and mr. karate
I really like your list. Happy Thanksgiviing Millie!
Millie, those are some very good things to be thankful for. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
Millie,that is a wonderful list for Thanksgiving day!! I agree that we cats are the luckiest cats going and also very caring. We like to help others.
I hope you and your Mom have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Millie, those are very nice things to be thankful for.
I received my Gizzy Quilt and I LOVE it. I think I smelled you on it because I spent about 30 minutes smelling it before I plunked down on it. Now I lay on it all the time, it is very comfy.
I haven't been able to post pictures yet because my Mum has been sick, but hopefully this weekend she can get the flashy box out.
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
I am going round the blogs saying Happy Thanksgiving to all my Mericky friends! I am furry jealous that we don't have a turkey day here today but mum says I only have to wait till Christmas...:-)
Happy Thanksgiving! That's a wonderful list of things to be thankful for. You are truly blessed.
That is an excellent list Millie! I am very thankful that I know kitties like you and others in the Cat Blogosphere!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
You ... like us ... have much for which to be thankful.
I'm thankful for YOU, Millie.
Happy Thanksgiving to your fambly! Eat as much (burp!) turkey as you can manage!
DMM and the Feline Americans
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
I hope you have a good day!
That's a wonderful list. Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!
A wonderful TT for Thanksgiving. Purrs to all of you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Millie! We are so glad that we have got to know you this year!
Your FL furiends,
Millie, that was such a wonderful list you wrote about what you are thankful for today! Willow and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
WOW! and, um wow... That was a great list!
That's a wonderful list of things to be thankful for Millie. Happy Thanksgiving!
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