Wednesday, August 31, 2016

To the City of Angels

Here I am. 
Waiting to get on a jet plane to go visit the newest member of our family, Little Miss. I can't wait. 

OK. I have to wait an hour before we can even get on the plane. 

Guess it's time for a nap. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Introducing Little Miss

I know I asked you all for suggestions for blog names for our new little baby. Here she is with Mr Karate, her dad.

Here she is with her Mom, Rubylocks.

We got several good suggestions, but none of them seemed quite right. Then Mom got an email from her pal Julie and Julie referred to the baby as "Little Miss Tyler." Mom thought that sounded great. "I think you have just given my grandbaby her blog name," Mom wrote back.  And so it is.

Little Miss.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Millie at the Symphony

I attended the Symphony the other night with Megan in Australia. You may not know this, but I am a real classical music aficionado. Mom has classical music on all the time at our house, so I really know my stuff. I like Opera too.

Who knew? Now you do.

I went out for coffee with Megan and her Mom, Noela. Coffee is MUCH BETTER than Vegemite.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Family

Miss BG was released from the NICU yesterday, which was a really happy event for Mr Karate & Rubylocks.

It was an even BIGGER event when everybody went home later.  WHEE!!!

OK Everybody, now's your chance. The Baby Girl needs a blog name. Suggestions are most welcome, as Mom's brain is still mush.  Leave your ideas in the comments and we'll pick one we like best.


Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Wait is Over!

The Baby is Here!

Baby Girl Tyler was born at 4:43 AM Pacific Time on Saturday August 20. She weighed in at 7 pounds 13 ounces. She made a spectacularly complicated entrance and had everybody worried for her first 12 hours, but she recovered nicely.

I won't go into details because it isn't important, and I'm not going to reveal Baby Girl's name to protect her privacy, but make no mistake, Mom and I are mighty proud.

What a happy family!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Helping Out in Oz

It's isn't all just fun and games here in Oz. Here I am helping with the laundry, although if Mom did this in winter in New Hampster we'd have frozen towels.

Still no news on the Baby front. NATURALLY I will let you know as soon as it happens.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Millie Makes Friends

This is Edna the Emu. She's my new friend.  I am having lots of fun here in Oz. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Kangaroo Treats

In Oz, there are things called "Kangaroo Treats." I wonder if they;re made from real kangaroos. That would be kinda sad.

These smell good.

Really, really good.

I'm a fan. These are almost as good as Beef Temp-tay-tions.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Millie in Oz

This is the view from where I am staying, overlooking Garigal National Park.  It, and I, am in Oz.

Here I am in a banksia tree. It's in the high 60's here during the day.

Here I am in the wattle. At night it gets down to the mid 40's. Not too cold as far as I am concerned, but those who live around here disagree with me.

Here I am in a bird's nest fern. They say it's winter here, but I don't see any snow, so I'm not buying it.

I am SO EXCITED!!! I am with one of my oldest and very bestest friends.

I am Down Under. I am in Australia, with Megan from Sydney.

Can you see how HAPPY I AM!!! Can you see how EXCITED!! Because I AM!!! I am going to be visiting here in Oz for a while. Naturally I will zip back to the City of Angels to visit Mr Karate & Rubylocks and the new kit, but I will then return to Oz for more sightseeing and visiting with Megan. After that, a big surprise.

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Millie's Grand Adventure

I am on an Adventure.

I am far away from home in New Hampster, and I am having a grand time. You can try to guess where I am, but I am not going to tell you just yet.

But I am having fun.

Friday, August 05, 2016

My Tenth Gotcha-versary!

Holy Toledo! Lookit this! It's like it was yesterday, but it was TEN YEARS ago that I got my furrever home with Mom in New Hampster.

I was a cute little kit.

I am full grown now. A Queen, Mom says. I am certainly a queen of this house.

I can't believe it has been ten years. Omigosh, so much has happened. Gizzy and Jasmine, and Monty Q, and Violette...

And quilts, Julie and Chris and all the quilters I have met. And the places I have visited, Mary-land and Catifornia, the City of Angels, Washington DC and the cherry blossoms, St Louis and the Gateway Arch. Long Island and Syracuse in New York and Belfast Maine, and all the countless places in between. The house on Kelley Street and now here in the town of Goff where I have not one but TWO kitty condos, a front porch and my own personal garden to watch over.

And friends, hundreds of them, furry and otherwise from all over the world, from the US to Canada, Germany, England, Austria, New Zealand and Australia. My goodness. I could start naming names, but I'm afraid I'd leave somebody out.

My heart is full of love and good (and sad) memories. Thank you all from the bottom of my furry little heart for being there for me when I needed you. And for Mom, who loves me even though I don't greet her at the door when she comes home, don't come when she calls me, don't sleep next to her at night or sit on her lap, or even (still!) let her pick me up.

But Mom knows I love her, because I really, really do.

Happy Gotchaversary to me, and Happy Got Millie Day to Mom.

It's been a fabulous ten years

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Monday, August 01, 2016