Friday, May 08, 2015

Finally Friday

Thank you all for your concern for my safety. Mom knows there are animals out there who are bigger and meaner than me. She wants to keep me safe, and hey, I like the idea of staying in one piece too.

Mom will replace the screen this weekend, and make sure I can't get the screen door open. TBT, thank you. Mom had planned to get some "hardware cloth" for the inside of the screen door. (Good cat-lovin' beins think alike.)

In the meantime I am enjoying my kitty condos, open windows and the nice warm weather we have been having here in New  Hampster.


Megan said...

Your mom always has your best interests at heart, Millie, so you're in very very very good hands.

Enjoy the window whiffies.

Sydney, Australia

Summer at said...

I knew your human would figure out the best solution to keep you safe, Millie!

Monday walkers said...

Sounds as though it is all under control, MIllie.

Noela Sydney Australia

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The way the Beins care fer us IS good. TBT allus calls us in before dark because "thats when the owls come out". And we dont wanna meet anny owls!

Shaggy and Scout said...

It's good to be safe, isn't it Millie. That mighta been a racoon or a tough neighborhood cat out there!