Sunday, February 10, 2013

Exit Nemo

After Nemo left, the snowplows came by and our driveway got cleared and Mom dug the car out. This is what it looked like after all that stuff happened. If you biggify the picture, you can see how high the snowbank is. (It's about as high as the hood of the truck, which is why Mom included the truck in the picture.)  Notice how you can't even see the stone wall across the street.

The big city snowplow pushed all the snow onto the sidewalk, so now the sidewalk has 30" of very hard packed heavy tough snow. Mom doesn't know if the sidewalk plow will be able to push through it.  Anyway, the sun finally came out yesterday afternoon, but it was still very windy and cold.

Mom says we may yet have a When When Contest after all! Check back next week to find out for sure!


Angel Prancer Pie said...

We were wondering about a "when, when"! Might as well make it fun. Stay warm and cozy. Happy Sunday!

Poppy Q said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow. We are glad you are all safe and it has calmed down.

Woohoo when when is coming!!

Julie and Poppy Q

Tina T-P said...

I'm glad you are safe from the snow and that you didn't run out of Stinky Goodness. Lord knows, that's a horrible thing to happen! T.

Angel Simba said...

That is a high mound on the sidewalk, Millie. Good thing you are an inside cat!

Mr Puddy said...

After read what your mom did, I'm glad we are only the kitty : ) superb life !
Stay warm, Stay cuddle Miss Millie

Sparkle said...

Paws crossed for a When When contest! I always look forward to that.

Megan said...

Poor mom - having to dig out the metal masheen herself. Where's Mr Karate when you need him? Or Plus One?

When, when: yaaaay. Put me down for April 10! (Yeah, I know: entries haven't opened yet. But I'm keen!!)

Sydney, Australia

Saku said...

WE is happy that Nemo (isn't he a fish?) has left town! Good on the snow plowers to get out to clear the roads, but boo that they messed up the sidewalks.

Mom says she hopes it warms up soon and it all goes away.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Who named a winter storm after a tropical fish! That is silly. WE are glad the sun has come out!

Just Ducky said...

Good that you are getting all dug out. Mum is happy that there are no sidewalks out here. She only needs to get the driveway cleared.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Glad that life is returning to normal for you & your neighbors!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh we are HOPING for a When When contest! Not that we want to to be all snowbound, but it IS fun.

Karen said...

when we got hit with the blizzard we knew when when was coming.