Mom's in love with words. In fact, she's addicted.
Did you know that? Mom loves words. She hunts them down. She likes new ones, she likes old ones. She likes knowing how to spell them all correctly. She likes word puzzles. But most of all she likes to follow them.
Mom loves to read.
You know Mom's got a Kindle. Over the last two or three weeks she has been hooked on the thing, reading as she eats breakfast, reading at lunch, reading as she eats her dinner. She's been reading as she pets me, and has been reading until past her bedtime. She even wakes up in the middle of the night and reads.
There's this guy, Inspector Gamache, in the books she is reading now. Mom's reading the sixth one. She finished the fifth one yesterday, and already she is 3/4 finished the sixth one. After this, there is one more, then she will have to wait for Inspector Gamache's creator, Louise Penny, to write some more.
In the meantime the house goes to pot. Mom doesn't make her bed in the morning (not that I'm complaining. It's a great place to nap.) She goes day hunting, and when she gets home, she feeds me, then sits down to read. After a while she makes her dinner, and eats it (while reading.) She puts the dirty dishes on the counter, and then goes back to reading. She hasn't done any sewing, and as you all know, she hasn't helped me with my blog posts lately.

I'm just happy that Kindle isn't like the linking books in Myst and Riven.
**Update: Mom finished her book, and the newest one won't come out until next week, so it looks like I have my Mom to myself for a few days!
Go on over to Roxy's and wish Auntie Karate a Happy Birthday.
Think positive, Millie. If your mom is reading, then she's sitting quietly, scritching you. She's not got the rug-sucking monster out, she's not inviting loads of people into your home for dinner, she's not ignoring you while she plays with fabric in the sewing room. Reading sounds like a pretty good occupation for a cat-scritching servant.
Sydney, Australia
Your Mom certainly keeps up to date with all the "goodies", doesn't she, Millie?
I agree with Megan - it's a nice quiet thing to do - when that tennis starts, you will hear the groans and grunts from the court!
Noela Sydney Australia
It sounds like your mom has been reading so much, she even forgot to take your picture Millie.
I thought you were talking about my mom!!! It's the exact same thing with her Nook!
It must be contagious. That's what my mom's been doing all summer. She read all 'The Cat Who' books between the beginning of June and the middle of August. I blame the Kindle. It hypnotizes people, and then they can't put it down. pffft! Put the bitey on it, I say!
our the mom has not gotten the evil kindle yet. it prolly doesn't haf the books she reads - you know, boring techie computer crap.
Our Mom got the color Nook last year and she is the same way! SHe is also hooked on her IPod where she is listening to more books! But at least she can sew and clean while listening!
Millie... you could live at our house: the grandboybean comes to visit a few days each week. He is 20-months old. He runs to the ZH just about every 5-minutes and
says, "weeeeeeed boooooooook". The ZH ignores us completely.
But truly thinking upon this: weeeding booooks is a very good
My mom loves to read too! But she doesn't have a Kindle, she says something crazy like she likes the smell of real books. You know what I like? The taste of real books!!! nom nom nom
I love my Kindle!!!
I have several mystery series that I can't get enough of either and I try not to speed through the current one but linger as long as possible in that world. Then it seems like forever till the next one comes out.
Thanks for the Louise Perry recommendation. I haven't discovered her yet. Lynne
Errr.....make that Penny. :)
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