It's so hot, but I'm not complaining because even though it is hot here, it isn't as HOT HOT HOT as some places in the rest of the US. I am sure that most kitties are napping in any cool spot they can find, and I am no exception. I am napping under the bed. Mom can't get any good pictures for the blog. Oh well.

While most of us are taking it easy today, some are working hard. When Mom went out to her garden this morning, she saw this big fat bumblebee working in the zucchini blossoms. Mom said she was wiggling her butt for all she was worth.
Mom left her to it.
Stay cool, kitties!
We have the extreme heat here in Minnesota for once. Mom says she wants to store it up and bring it out in January.
It's HOT here too!
Millie, tell your Mom that honeybees are girls...
That is a cool picture of the zucchini blossom. We also have hot, but not HOT HOT weather. Feeling fortunate to just have 91ish.
That would be us in the record-breaking heat wave. Blech. We hopes your mom keeps a sharp eye out for those bumblebees!
Pee Ess - mom wants to kiss that lil black spot on your chin!
I missed your lovely photo today, but the zucchini flower and the bee were great!
Noela Sydney Australia
We are enjoying sunshine too, but it is not as hot as yours :)
That bee really is getting 'into' his work ;) heehee
Stay cool ;)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Gotta get that pollen!
That's right - leave the work to the insects today!
that is a nice picture your Mom got! We would not bother the bee, either.
It is HOT HOT HOT HOT here!
That's quite a picture. we're glad to hear it was wiggling its little butt though, cause we kinda thought it looked dead, MOL!
Hope you get some cools, Millie!
You know it's hot outside when even in an air-conditioned house, the kitties are choosing to nap on a tile floor. Usually kitties choose softer nap spots!
Teresa in KC
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