Thursday, June 09, 2011

Thinking Thursday

I was just thinking:

1. Mom put the coldbox in the window in her bedroom. It makes it a lot comfier for me to lie on the bed while I watch the birdies out the other window. My Mom is so thoughtful.

2. Mom said the Em Are Eye was a piece of cake, except it was a noisy sucker. She didn't need the drugs, didn't want the music, and wished she had had some earplugs. Can't say I blame her except I would have liked a nice juicy piece of BEEF!

3. It's hot out.

4. Umm...

5. I want the Boston Bruins to win Sir Stanley's Cup. (Mom said I had to put that in.)


Gigi said...

Lots of my thoughts are just like your #4.

Hope your Mom's Em Are Eye is okay!

Megan said...

That's enough thoughts for one day, Millie. You don't want to wear yourself out.

Sydney, Australia

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT is considerin that. He says he wants quiet classical music. We hope yer Mom gets a good report.

Sparkle said...

My human says the worst part of those eye things is "dealing with the red tape to get the darn insurance company to approve them." I have no idea what that means, but I hope your human's is helpful and does not show anything bad.

The Meezers or Billy said...

#4 was what we thought about all day yesterday. MOL

Hannah and Lucy said...

We hope your mom will get the results soon.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are great thoughts. We are glad your mom's em are eye wasn't too bad - we hope the results are ok. Our mom had one before and she said that they can be very noisy - when she didn't they didn't even offer her anything like your mom was offered.

And that is good that it is comfier for you to watch the birdies now - we bet your mom likes it that way too.

Karen said...

I hear the wether is going to break this weekend. Also Go B's. They have not won since 1972.

Cindy said...

I hope the MRI was ok, too. That sure was nice of her to put the ac in for you!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a lot of thought! WE like number 5 but are hoping the Mavericks win in basketball!

Just Ducky said...

We hopes the test wasn't too hard and your mum passes. Mum had to wear head phones when she had her emReye, that is how they communicate from the control room.

The hots are gone here, in the LOW 50's today.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

How nice of your mom to install you an AC! We hope she passes her test too.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Go Flyers!